View Full Version : RD28 skip when cranking?

17th May 2012, 10:51 PM
Hi all,

Was wondering if anyone could give me some opinions,
I purchased my 98 RD28 based GU about 2 weeks ago now and ive come to notice that when the engine is turning over before it starts or when it hasn't been glowed, it very noticeably sounds like it skips or spins faster past 1 cylinder, i would explain it as kind of what a petrol engine sounds like when you turn it over with out a spark plug. i suppose this indicates to me that there is possibly a compression leak in one of the cylinders, however it only seems to do it when the engine is cold. when hot it will turn over consistently and there will be no skip. what could cause this? bad head gasket, leaking/loose glowplugs or injectors, cracked head? it will start almost instantly every time when glowed properly and there are no other apparent symptoms of head/gasket failure.
does anyone have an opinion on what it could be or experienced this before? i don't know if i should take this as an early warning sign for a more severe problem or its just something simple

17th May 2012, 11:51 PM
Sounds like it is low on compression on one cylinder, I would check the valve adjustments.

my third 256
18th May 2012, 12:44 AM
check glo plugs are working first use a muli meter for resistance
try this link it tells you exactly what to do

18th May 2012, 02:53 PM
Sounds like you have narrowed it down already.

If you can't sort it out then i know a couple of really good mechanics in the area. I can't get you a discount but they are really into their 4WDing, are really good at what they do and they won't mess you around. They can help you get more power and torque out of that 2.8 too.

i try to work on the if you are worried about it get it checked principle. Things rarely, if ever, get better by themselves.