View Full Version : Dodgy Fuel

15th May 2012, 01:13 PM
Hey All
Just wondering wether anyone else has had dodgy fuel lately.

I went to my usual fuel station the other week and put in 15 litres. When i was driving down the road i was watching the fuel gauge and it just kept going down and i mean fast. The entire 15 litre was gone in 30km. Now there is no leaks anywhere and i drive like miss daisy. The gauge itself is working fine. This has actually happened to me a couple of times lately and from different fuel stations.

At another one i put in 12 litres and got about 40 kms.

At another i put in 29 litres and got 90kms.

i asked my brother who is a mechanic about it and he said "well it isn't the way you drive, you do realise that the pedal on the right makes you go faster, you might want to use it".

It is a 4.5 GU auto but i usually get around 13-14 per hundred around town.

Another person i know has found the same thing. Suddenly for no reason they started getting a lot less kms from their fuel.

So just wondering wether anyone else has gotten dodgy fuel lately.

15th May 2012, 01:32 PM
i should also mention that i only use 98.