View Full Version : Wifes had enough crap from me today , LOL's so..........

13th May 2012, 03:36 PM
Thankfully i picked up my pc yesterday from the quacks.....

and found this old clip from when i was younger.
What i'd give to have those years back again !!!!


do you have any clips or pics to share???

ps( yes bored today now !!)

13th May 2012, 03:46 PM
Crackup!!! Bored indeed!!! lmao

13th May 2012, 03:59 PM
None that are safe for a family forum mate!!!!!! lol

13th May 2012, 04:30 PM
I used to work as a job planner which was boring as bat.^^$......I used to get the funniest emails sent all day every day. I saved them all to a portable hard drive and one day I dropped it and it doesnt register when you plug it in to the computer.

I still have it and want to get it fixed as there are some side splitting entertainment on there....LMAO

13th May 2012, 08:05 PM
hahahah, funny you say that AB , i have one of those hardrives,
and as i had to go pick up my PC from Hardly Normal ( extended warranty programme service division crapola)
the wife suggested we print some pics with all the free vouches we got given to us, the last time they stuffed us round...

anyhow, long story short, whilst compiling pics, she asked for certain ones that were/are on THAT SAME HARD DRIVE !!
bahahahahahahahhahha its been that long i forgot what else was on that drive,

Raised eyebrows is an understatement !! LOL's

13th May 2012, 08:23 PM
Yep, there's always some weird and wonderful things on those old drives mate...LMAO