View Full Version : Chiropractors a waste of time????

11th May 2012, 04:41 PM
My wife goes to the chiropractor about once a fortnight because she can “barely move”.

He does his little tricks, holds his hand out for cash and sends her on her merry way till the next visit.

I think he is a glorified back cracker and that chiropractic’s are just a sham. To me it’s like having a tyre that goes flat and paying someone to pump it back up for you every few days rather than getting the puncture fixed properly.

Furthermore I think a decent health carer would say hey, wait on a minute luv you come here quite often with the same ailment and what I do doesn’t seem to fix you for long at all, maybe I should refer you to a spinal or physio specialist rather than just doing the same thing over and over.

Don’t get me wrong she comes out saying how much better she feels, but that lasts f**k all.

Am I being harsh or do they just sell snake oil???

11th May 2012, 05:07 PM
I used to go to one but use an osteopath instead now but if she is having this problem all the time maybe it is time to get a second opinion.

11th May 2012, 05:09 PM
I think he is a glorified back cracker and that chiropractic’s are just a sham. To me it’s like having a tyre that goes flat and paying someone to pump it back up for you every few days rather than getting the puncture fixed properly.That one made me laugh...

Yeah to be honest I don't believe in any of that either and seen many people throw money away. My misses sounds like yours....lol

My way to deal with pain....Eat some concrete have a shower. If pain persists see a bottle!!!

Most of the problem is people just sit on the couch in pain and it gets worse...Get up go for a long walk and get everything moving and back in line....Stretches and walking can fix a lot of those problems.

11th May 2012, 05:09 PM
Best thing i ever done was find a chiro. Ive hot a herniated disc which when its bad i literally cant move. Its not an injury thats gunna go away b ut needs to be managed. The only other thing that worked was in Thailand they gave me morphine tabs WOO HOO that was great!! Unfortunately my chiro passed away suddenly now i gotta find a new one

11th May 2012, 05:11 PM
Best thing i ever done was find a chiro. Ive hot a herniated disc which when its bad i literally cant move. Its not an injury thats gunna go away b ut needs to be managed. The only other thing that worked was in Thailand they gave me morphine tabs WOO HOO that was great!! Unfortunately my chiro passed away suddenly now i gotta find a new one

Eat some concrete growler...Jokes mate...LMAO

11th May 2012, 05:33 PM
i used to go to a Chiro once a week and he kept me walking. a couple of years i did this and got instant relief.

I ahve since been to an Osteopath for other things and they basically said generally "Maintenance" should not be required if the cause is being treated. Find the reason. I'd go to the Osteopath for an opinion.

11th May 2012, 05:51 PM
My guy was both

11th May 2012, 05:51 PM
AB your a hard hard man

11th May 2012, 06:39 PM
I am too scared to see a chiro, prefer a physio. Watched too many TV commandos and spooks breaking necks :-)

Wife had a good one, but we moved, and she couldn't find one that suited her in our new location - but did find a very hands on physio. When I say hands on, lots of assisted stretches and pulling and pushing. When that physio works on me she braces on the walls - both the walls and I have been known to groan :-)

11th May 2012, 06:40 PM
Twice ive tried the physio and it's made things worse. Spose it's a case of what suits the individual

Tappin N Crappin

11th May 2012, 07:10 PM
Damn right there buddy, plenty of snake oil.
Went to a chiro' for years myself and same thing, every few weeks then back again, did it for years, always felt great for like you said F*(&^ all and then got on to a good physio and BAM with in 6 weeks, no more back prob's & didnt have to go back ever again.
Trouble with chiro's they just crack you and you feel good because they have relieved the pressure from the area but havent fixed the prob'.
If the muscle is still tight & knotted up of course its going to pull the ol back out of alignment again pinching the same nerve, Bah humbug i say,
Physio on the other hand works on the prob' which is the muscle that is pulling the back out, No prob' no pain.
Dont get me wrong Chiros' do have a perpose, but i think we are all led to believe if we have a back prob thats where you go.
My mum loves chiro's she has been going for years about 30 i reckon, and she loves them because they give her relief but again only temp' and they have NOT fixed the prob.
Well thats my 2 cents worth, hope it helps.

By the way i have come across a very good chiro here in Adelaide if your interested for your miss's to try. if interested send us a PM and will give you the details.
I know i had my rant about chiros, but this one is pretty good, he actually gives a shit and doesnt want you to have to keep coming back. Depends on what the prob is i guess.

11th May 2012, 07:42 PM
I too have 2 slipped discs in my back and get pain in the back and thigh. Last time I tried physio and accupuncture and it was great I almost came 100% again but have relapsed and now thinking or regular maintainance as My back is permanant and will never get better. I'll see how it goes

11th May 2012, 08:33 PM

I go to a sports physio when ever I need anything done. Their mantra is to fix you up and get you out.


11th May 2012, 09:52 PM
you could try buying one of them tens machine the ones that physios use my aunt has one and i use it when i go over hers is that small you can wear it under your clothes/ on a belt and you wouldnt know but its awsome and has a kick for its size!

12th May 2012, 07:48 AM
my chiro doesn't seem to do much either, i'm 28 and aparently my L5 has slipped a bit and sometimes gets bloody sore. I reckon my missus could crack my back as easy as the chiro. I really think that if i went back to martial arts or started pilates or something that everthing would be lots better. Most of us have some muscles that go weak cause they are not used and then everything goes out of place.

12th May 2012, 08:08 AM
My chiro/osteopath reccomended Pilates

Tappin N Crappin

14th May 2012, 03:50 PM
Ok am out the front of a new chiro for me anyway my guy died :-(
Anyway they gotta be good there's a sign out front saying welcome new patients and my names there!
It's not the one you reccomended Pete it's one in glenelg

Tappin N Crappin

the ferret
14th May 2012, 04:02 PM
I went to a Chiro years ago with a badly swolen ankle, he had a feel of my back, said jump up on the table, crack crack on the back," now get up and tell me if it's any better."

Whaddaya know, pain completely gone and has been ever since.
Cheers, the ferret.

14th May 2012, 04:04 PM
After an extensive history of back pain I honestly have a 50-50 opinion on Chiro's. Seen many a specialist and they all gave a temporary relief. Unfortunately for most, the only was a chiro's work is going to do a good job is to take a nice long walk on a flat surface for around 20mins for the adjustment to "bed in". Most people are in too much or a rush or cant walk to a local chiro so have to jump back in the car which undoes the "good work".

I found Physios/Osteopaths to be a great medium instead of chiro's as they seemed to work the muscles as well as the spine itself.

Yoga, Pilates & Tai Chi are all extremely effective in helping the muscles gain strength so to help "hold the core" as a general preventative measure.
Once the muscles are strengthened dance, martial arts, etc are good at maintaining the strength.

14th May 2012, 04:07 PM
My last Chiro was an osteopath as well as a Chiro so will be interesting to see how this goes

Tappin N Crappin

14th May 2012, 04:19 PM
Good luck with it Growlers!

14th May 2012, 06:01 PM
Good luck with it Growlers!

Cheers mate

WOW this dude is good! Everything this thread has touched upon in one 45 min session. Root causes, irradiated me with a ship load of xrays they got all sortsa things goin on and i can do backflips now Yee Haa. Will do another session on Friday to work on a program for a permanent fix. Soooooo if it all goes well in answer to the thread THEYRE GREAT

White Elephant
15th May 2012, 04:39 PM
I have been getting regular Chiro for quite a few years now after I injured my lower back. I highly recommend it. My Chiro also gives me exercises to do to strengthen the muscles around the affected area, and because i play drums, I have trouble with my knees and elbows, so that always gets sorted out aswell. It's kinda like preventative maintenance. That's the way I see it! Keep everything adjusted and where it needs to be and you are less likely to have a major component failure!

16th May 2012, 09:15 AM
I have been getting regular Chiro for quite a few years now after I injured my lower back. I highly recommend it. My Chiro also gives me exercises to do to strengthen the muscles around the affected area, and because i play drums, I have trouble with my knees and elbows, so that always gets sorted out aswell. It's kinda like preventative maintenance. That's the way I see it! Keep everything adjusted and where it needs to be and you are less likely to have a major component failure!

Sorry for the Hijack but what sorta rythms ya' bashing out White Elephant!!! (Whats your preference?) :bananarock:

White Elephant
16th May 2012, 04:21 PM
Sorry for the Hijack but what sorta rythms ya' bashing out White Elephant!!! (Whats your preference?) :bananarock:

Heavy stuff all the way mate. Check out the webpage in my signature. :)

20th May 2012, 08:13 PM
Cheers mate

WOW this dude is good! Everything this thread has touched upon in one 45 min session. Root causes, irradiated me with a ship load of xrays they got all sortsa things goin on and i can do backflips now Yee Haa. Will do another session on Friday to work on a program for a permanent fix. Soooooo if it all goes well in answer to the thread THEYRE GREAT

Good stuff, Geez mate he must be good to get you doing back flips hahahahahahaha

21st May 2012, 07:51 PM
Osteopath are the way.
I went to a phsio - was a lot worse after the visit
Chiro was ok for the back but kept hurting my neck
Osteopath do both of the above and are a lot better off

22nd May 2012, 10:38 AM
I go to the chiro about once a month and he does wander's on my back. He does his stuff and then advises me what to do to reduce further pain to my back - little exercises and the like. Works like a treat, went from being rushed to emergency hardly able to walk to be nearly pain free a month later. I would highly recommend my Chiro, he is the best I have been too