View Full Version : What can i do to improve fuel economy and power on my 4.5L pertol

9th May 2012, 09:06 PM
Hey guys i own a GU 4.5L Pertol wagon ''NONE LPG''
Im just wondering if anyone has done things or has ideas on how to improve both fuel economy and proformance on it as i want to eventually take it to get dino tuned, but want to do as mch as i can befor i do that... Most of the time its my daily driver to and from work and 4wding on the weekends, as i dont hardly tow trailors.... for the moment i have a set of extractors and a 2.5 exhaust system, i am also looking in to installing a snorkel real soon.... iv herd other things like chips etc. please throw any ideas at me....

Thanks guys!!

9th May 2012, 09:09 PM
mate put it on duel fuel ive done this and difference is unreal i fill up once a week now as opposed to 2-3 time lpg much cheaper to go vapour injection tho as mixer system is crap i have 4.5 ltr as well

9th May 2012, 09:24 PM
Hi mate, when you get a chance, stop past the introduction thread and post up a little bit about yourself and your rig

The link to the intro section can be found in my signature



Rob Johnston
12th May 2012, 04:45 PM
Gday mate,
I think that you need to make a decision. Are you worried about fuel economy or do you want more power. In my opinion they are two completly different directions that you want to take your vehicle. While there are some methods for improving both, when you start talking abouut dyno tuning and performance upgrades you are moving away from fuel economy and more towards power.

Cheers Rob

14th May 2012, 06:11 PM
hmm thats very true! id prefer more fuel economy rather than power since i not a rev head lol, and i rarely tow things..... just the bugger is so expensive to fill up, and i get very crap fuel econmy... ive done an average on my main tank which is the 80L.. on daily traffic i get 350-360km on that tank..... not impressed lol and im not planing on getting lpg as its near the same price to fill up as fuel these days... Thats why im trying to get as much ideas as possible, and do as much as i can, befor i get it dino tuned