View Full Version : Greetings from a newby

5th May 2012, 11:33 PM
Greetings All,

I'm new to the forum and by way of introduction I値l give you some background. Mature aged and aim is to do a leisurely trip around this great country, possibly towing an off road trailer but nothing bigger
Currently don稚 own a Patrol but looking to purchase a new GU8 within the next few weeks. The Simpson 50th Anniversary model is looking very nice.
Discovered this forum while looking for some advice on the pros/cons of manual vs automatic. Biggest issue I have is my better half, she wants an auto. See what I知 up against? I really need to convince her with facts and figures that manual is the way to go!
Now I知 in the forum you値l find me an active member, looking forward to interacting and look out for my requests for advice from some of you learned members.

5th May 2012, 11:44 PM
Welcome, Apollofish!

As a die hard manual person I find myself slowly being dragged around to slushboxes off road.

6th May 2012, 01:53 AM
G'day mate welcome aboard great bunch with some good info and advice here so feel free to jump in and contribute were you can
Good luck in your purchase

6th May 2012, 08:14 AM
Welcome to the forum mate, feel free to ask any questions and join in the conversations.

6th May 2012, 08:16 AM
Gday mate welcome aboard gotta friendly mob here fulla great info and advice

6th May 2012, 08:50 AM
G"day and welcome to the forum mate

6th May 2012, 09:34 AM
Welcome to the forum mate.

Finly Owner
11th May 2012, 12:04 AM
Hi and welcometo Nissans Nut House Apollofish


11th May 2012, 11:38 PM
Hello All,

Well I've taken the plunge, new Simpson 50th Anniversay Patrol has been ordered - can't wait for it to arrive.
Now to start looking for options for that big trip!


11th May 2012, 11:40 PM
Welcome aboard buddy.
Great lot here always willing to help out and share adventures.
(Apollofish) sounds like you do a bit around Apollo Bay ??

My 2bobs worth, like silver i love me manuals, mate just went from man to auto so his miss's can drive it and hates it, others love it but im not convinced, just dont seem to have as much control with your revs when you need it. Thats just my thoughts though

Anyway enjoy the site its a cracker

Cheers Pete

11th May 2012, 11:45 PM
Hello All,

Well I've taken the plunge, new Simpson 50th Anniversay Patrol has been ordered - can't wait for it to arrive.
Now to start looking for options for that big trip!


So which way did ya go man/auto ??? either way congrat's mate and hope you get heaps of enjoyment out of it

12th May 2012, 10:05 AM
manual man thru and thru seen some bargains over the years but alas they were auto who wants a bloody auto no good for a serious 4x4 since hurting my back and now having tyo wear an orthotic brace auto would be the way to go and was looking for one but found a cheap manual (maverick) so thats it but now days the autos especially in diesal are just as good if not better than manuals ask the pros and you can add jake brakes to them they change gear themselves where if your dare on a long climb look out there is a lot more to it than meets the eye and they are heavy duty basically truck boxes in car .

Rob Johnston
12th May 2012, 09:00 PM
Hey mate I'm new to the forums too. Get involved everyone is really friendly and happy to help with any problems you might have.

Cheers Rob

DX grunt
12th May 2012, 09:44 PM
G'day and welcome to the forum. Glad you could join us.

Did you go with a manual or auto?

Either way, congrats on your purchase.

Take care out there.


13th May 2012, 01:35 AM
Hi Guys,
Ended up going for the Auto, I started another thread and the majority was AUTO by far, here's a link:
When it arrives I'll be posting some pics there.

13th May 2012, 01:39 AM
Thanks Pete,
Yeap spend some time down that way, unfortunatly not nearly enough.
Already enjoying the site, very informative of someone like me

13th May 2012, 11:46 AM
Welcome, Ive got one of both and i would rather drive the Auto even in extreme 4x4 mode as you have more control for the power. The only downfall is steep descents but closing eyes helps here.... :-)