View Full Version : Yes I'm immature

5th May 2012, 03:39 PM
I know I'm 40 and shouldn't get enjoyment from these but the look on the fellas face is pi55 funny when they go off hahahahahahhaahhha15906

Tappin N Crappin

5th May 2012, 03:41 PM
I know I'm 40 and shouldn't get enjoyment from these but the look on the fellas face is pi55 funny when they go off hahahahahahhaahhha15906

Tappin N Crappin

I remember them, used to throw them into the classrooms at school hahaha

5th May 2012, 03:57 PM
hahahahahahaha love it............................. funny?? sure is............. immature?????? too bloody right!!!!!!! hahahahahaha

5th May 2012, 04:06 PM
not immature! growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional, i'm old but still to grow up so i'm told ( by both ex wives :) )

5th May 2012, 04:13 PM
I remember them, used to throw them into the classrooms at school hahaha

I used to throw match box bombs @ school, esp in the canteen area @ lunchtime when it was packed full of kids *LMAO*

5th May 2012, 04:23 PM
I used to throw match box bombs @ school, esp in the canteen area @ lunchtime when it was packed full of kids *LMAO*

We used to make "touch explosives" with iodine crystals and ammonia was much fun, let alone bolt bombs,... chlorine bombs... used to set matchbombs off via sling shot at barking dogs always a good giggle to watch a ferocious hound sh1t and pi55 bolt away hahahahahhahahaha ahhhh the memories............. did i say iwas immature hahahaha:blowup:

5th May 2012, 04:34 PM
We used to make "touch explosives" with iodine crystals and ammonia was much fun, let alone bolt bombs,... chlorine bombs... used to set matchbombs off via sling shot at barking dogs always a good giggle to watch a ferocious hound sh1t and pi55 bolt away hahahahahhahahaha ahhhh the memories............. did i say iwas immature hahahaha:blowup:

I used to make all those 2, just never let those of at school.

I still remember one day while a teenager living at mum and dads, I was making some black powder in my bedroom with a mortar and pestle, was at my bedroom window with it open and was grinding the powder, got a bit carried away and it ignited, holyt sh!t , chucked it out the window, bedroom full of smoke, put a towel up against the door and sprayed heapz of bo basher...........mum was never the wiser :)

5th May 2012, 05:01 PM
I used to make all those 2, just never let those of at school.

I still remember one day while a teenager living at mum and dads, I was making some black powder in my bedroom with a mortar and pestle, was at my bedroom window with it open and was grinding the powder, got a bit carried away and it ignited, holyt sh!t , chucked it out the window, bedroom full of smoke, put a towel up against the door and sprayed heapz of bo basher...........mum was never the wiser :)

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHa my old man found some firecrackers in his mums shed and silly him gave em to me they looked like sticks of dynamite. They were pretty good, but we had to go better so we put em into a can the size roughly of a red bull can and packed full of plastecine. My room had a sliding door to outside under the verandah and was the width of the house about 8m. So i lit it up under the verandah and shut the door, course nuthin happened so i open the door and KERF#$IN BOOM off it goes i had hot plastecine all over me face and so did the windows 8m away hahahahaha was effkn loud

5th May 2012, 05:17 PM
Hahahahah, Growler, growler, growler....mate, we will never grow up!!!!!! Don't know a bout everyone bit I made a pact with myself that I will never grow up...hahahahhaha YEp, still feel 21...lol

We used to and done it not that long ago, stink bombs into the school/building air con system BWAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH

Hahahha....I still crack me self laughing!!

5th May 2012, 05:22 PM
Hahaha love it, live it. So where can I get them in Adelaide G'
Use to do the old matchbox trick too Toddsta, what a cracker.
My weapons of choice were the ol sling shot and the gas gun, love it and only got rid of it a couple years ago, but thought about making another a few weeks back, Some may call it immature Nah just a kid at heart lookin for fun hahaha

Yappa tappa doo

5th May 2012, 05:37 PM
Hahaha love it, live it. So where can I get them in Adelaide G'
Use to do the old matchbox trick too Toddsta, what a cracker.
My weapons of choice were the ol sling shot and the gas gun, love it and only got rid of it a couple years ago, but thought about making another a few weeks back, Some may call it immature Nah just a kid at heart lookin for fun hahaha

Yappa tappa doo

Got 2 boxes of fart bombs next door to where were workin down in victa hahahahhahahaha the boys are wondering when ill run out. just got one fella in his nail bag hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha

5th May 2012, 05:38 PM
Hahahahah, Growler, growler, growler....mate, we will never grow up!!!!!! Don't know a bout everyone bit I made a pact with myself that I will never grow up...hahahahhaha YEp, still feel 21...lol

We used to and done it not that long ago, stink bombs into the school/building air con system BWAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH

Hahahha....I still crack me self laughing!!

Nice.hahhahhaha definately in no hurry to grow up either mate. they say your only as young as the woman ya feel...............but rekon the missus would get pi553d at me doin that so ill keep buying fart bombs hahahahahahahaha

5th May 2012, 07:20 PM
lol... I will be buying a box of these for our next trip down to Emu Creek.. Should living a few of the guys up on those morning afters

5th May 2012, 07:31 PM
I remember back in the day making sparkler bombs, I think the local shop new I was up 2 no good when I'd buy every single packet of sparkles that was on the shelf :)

Had taken a few 22's apart for the gunpowder, so had a few empty laying around, My mate decided to crush up some sparkles into a fine powder and tip it into the shell and put the bullet back on........here we are standing round a small fire when my mates chucks it on........yep bullet shot off straight past my leg.......

I miss the days of been young and immature *L*

5th May 2012, 07:55 PM
We lived near a police training area and used to sneak up there they left all sorts of live ammo laying around we found tear gas type things that burnt our faces when we were stuffin around with me
And what may have been some part of a stun grenade we put a fire cracker fuse in Faaaaaaaaarrrrrrr out man there was a shock wave that you could see the air rippling and felt like our ears were swollen up hahahahahahhaahhha didn't do that twice

Tappin N Crappin

5th May 2012, 08:21 PM
I wish I lived near one*LMAO*

5th May 2012, 08:32 PM
Oh mate we use to have a ball the stuff we found! Unbelievable that people as responsible as "police" would leave such items laying around a non secure site ;-) 25 years ago health n safety wasn't real big hahahahahahhaahhha but some of the rounds we found were

Tappin N Crappin

6th May 2012, 08:26 PM
I know I'm 40 and shouldn't get enjoyment from these but the look on the fellas face is pi55 funny when they go off hahahahahahhaahhha15906

Tappin N Crappin
So your 40, I`m pushing 65 and love all that sort of sh$$. A while back doing the bomb roads we visited Emu where they exploded 2 small nuclear devices. Anyhow while everybody was focused taking photo`s of the actual drop site I lobbed halve a stick of gelly with an 8 sec fuse in the middle. the brown stains you see at the site today are not from the original tests.

GUtsy ute
6th May 2012, 09:14 PM
Oh mate we use to have a ball the stuff we found! Unbelievable that people as responsible as "police" would leave such items laying around a non secure site ;-) 25 years ago health n safety wasn't real big hahahahahahhaahhha but some of the rounds we found were

Tappin N Crappin

AAH Growlers, After reading this thread I feel somehow we are related.hahahaLOL

6th May 2012, 09:32 PM
HHAHAHAHAHa well i do have a father i never knew he may have sired another just like me heaven forbid hahahhahahahhaa

6th May 2012, 09:34 PM
That reminds me time to go set off another fart bomb hehehehehehehehehehehehhe

6th May 2012, 09:40 PM

GUtsy ute
6th May 2012, 09:52 PM
HHAHAHAHAHa well i do have a father i never knew he may have sired another just like me heaven forbid hahahhahahahhaa

Son, is it really you after all these years of searching??It'a miracle!!!hahaha

6th May 2012, 10:05 PM
HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA now wouldntr that be funny definately a first for the forum

GUtsy ute
6th May 2012, 10:12 PM
NissAncestry Patrol.com
Nissan a family member?
Find long lost relatives on the Patrol family tree.
I did!!

6th May 2012, 10:17 PM
hahahaha this is just 2 funny

6th May 2012, 10:37 PM
NissAncestry Patrol.com
Nissan a family member?
Find long lost relatives on the Patrol family tree.
I did!!

Hahahahhahahaa then an e harmony but match you to ur troll

Tappin N Crappin

7th May 2012, 04:12 PM
Hahaha, haven't seen this thread before. A few years ago I got some of those fart bombs and wrapped em up as xmas presents lol, it's all in the timing....you gotta crack them then give em to the person (victim) with just enough time left so it pops just as they pull the last bit of paper off lol classic xmas morning stinky house!!!

Tap, crackle, pop

10th May 2012, 10:01 AM
My old boy use to play around with all this sort of stuff. I wish it was as readily available as it was back then i certainly think it would slow the young crime rate a little. We put a spud through a wheelie bin once with the ole spud gun that was pretty cool we werent to sure on using an oxy/acet mix to ignite so just stuck with the old start ya bastard. All these stories are gold

10th May 2012, 10:09 AM
My old boy use to play around with all this sort of stuff. I wish it was as readily available as it was back then i certainly think it would slow the young crime rate a little. We put a spud through a wheelie bin once with the ole spud gun that was pretty cool we werent to sure on using an oxy/acet mix to ignite so just stuck with the old start ya bastard. All these stories are gold

Improvise young man hahahahhshaha nah don't ya might blow ya self up. I had a couple of mishaps I have scars from 25 years ago was still fun at the time hahahahhshaha

Tappin N Crappin

10th May 2012, 10:14 AM
To make mistakes is human; to stumble is commonplace; to be able to laugh at yourself is maturity.
William Arthur Ward

I try to laugh at myself as much as possible :smileyvault-cute-bi

10th May 2012, 10:19 AM
I still laugh lookin at the scars but I won't be telling my kids how I got them

Tappin N Crappin

10th May 2012, 01:02 PM
The door on the toilet opens inward so I like to lean big (1500mm) cardboard tubes against it so they all fall in on the poor bugger when he tries to get out lol....immature but it cracks me up!

Tap, crackle, pop

Finly Owner
10th May 2012, 11:09 PM
We usedtoget some crackers not oo many yearsago, and throw them into each others mechanical workshops, unknowingly to the victim who as usually lying under a car at the time.

Bang goes the cracker, bang goes their head into the car, Profanities galore cold be heard.

The best were little bages that were water proof. You light it, and throw it in the tank the tyre fitter used for checking beads leaks. The unsuspecting bloke would laugh and say you stuffed that throw, and next thing, BANG and waterburst everywhere, I used to PML!


Finly Owner
10th May 2012, 11:11 PM
Flame Thrower using Fly spray!
