View Full Version : Deaths from towballs

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3rd May 2012, 06:12 PM
I was on the phone today with 4WD Victoria about organising a driving course for my work and the guy i was talking to was telling me that there has been 13 deaths related to snatch straps being hooked over towballs in the last 12 months the last one being about 2 weeks ago this just seems crazy to me are we as 4wheel drivers just becoming complacent or lazy in what we do? Even if half are due to inexperience its still way to many deaths

3rd May 2012, 06:47 PM
I wonder how many times the tow ball has snapped off without killing someone.

3rd May 2012, 06:57 PM
Would like to know where he got those figures from. I know it happens but I didn't think it was that often!

3rd May 2012, 07:40 PM
Read the safety threads here on the forum there is plenty of info on deaths. The most recent discussed here was a youn mother who was a passenger in the recovery vehicle her kids were sitting in the back, this i think was in WA

3rd May 2012, 07:42 PM
There is a reason why there is big RED writing in my Sig line. There are many responsible members here trying to educate the masses.

It's just Dumb! There are plenty of people who simply have NO IDEA.

The addition of the Warning in my Sig line was first done by Doggy i think and i think it is brilliant. I see more and more members adding it to their sig lines and i believe that that RED line probably appears more than 50,000 times across this forum!!!! Could even be double that! Well Done Doggy and thanks for the idea.

To all the newbies that see it when they come here from All Over the World! Awesome! Spread the Word! Brilliant.

3rd May 2012, 09:40 PM
Dont know where he got the figures from or if the figures are right but even if there not just 1 death from a towball a year is still to many Mudrunnertd i like the warning in your sig might get one of those sticker guys to make one up for me for the rear of my truck may help to get the message across

3rd May 2012, 09:57 PM
I think because 4wd's have become so popular and cheap compared to yester year there are far more people with dollars rather than sense!
I will admit I was one who used my towball with a snap strap and reeved it too rather than straight pulls as a young buck but now after doing rigging as part of my trade as a boilermaker I have more sense and learnt a lot from here I can do safer recoveries.
People forget the actual forces involved in a recovery and the math used to solve the problems too many people being invincible and gun ho about it where 10 mins a shovel and some traction aides (maxtracks or logs/rocks) would get you through.

6th May 2012, 06:05 PM
Seen it done too many times, even when I’ve told people about the dangers they still do it.

6th May 2012, 07:28 PM
There is a reason why there is big RED writing in my Sig line. There are many responsible members here trying to educate the masses.

It's just Dumb! There are plenty of people who simply have NO IDEA.

The addition of the Warning in my Sig line was first done by Doggy i think and i think it is brilliant. I see more and more members adding it to their sig lines and i believe that that RED line probably appears more than 50,000 times across this forum!!!! Could even be double that! Well Done Doggy and thanks for the idea.

To all the newbies that see it when they come here from All Over the World! Awesome! Spread the Word! Brilliant.

Cannot take credit for that, it was first posted by Ross of DX Grunt fame............well done Ross
However I did start this thread http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?5725-Tow-balls-are-not-to-be-used-as-recovery-points to help get the word out there, with a lot of assistance from our members, well done everyone.

6th May 2012, 07:44 PM
Just moved this thread to here and made it sticky............the more we get this information out there hopefully the more lives will be saved

23rd May 2012, 05:28 PM
What about those "Recovery Hitch tongue with shackle" type things that go into where your tow ball tongue goes and uses the pin to hold it in place? are these just as dangerous? Is it the "Pin" that is letting go or or ball snapping off the tongue?

23rd May 2012, 06:09 PM
Those are generally fine. The pin is extraordinary strong

Tappa tappa

DX grunt
23rd May 2012, 07:40 PM
Here’s what I have on DX grunt


Front…..I have one on each side, so when I hook up the bridle, there’s even pressure on both sides.



Take care out there.


23rd May 2012, 09:51 PM
What about those "Recovery Hitch tongue with shackle" type things that go into where your tow ball tongue goes and uses the pin to hold it in place? are these just as dangerous? Is it the "Pin" that is letting go or or ball snapping off the tongue?

A genuine pin on a hayman reece hitch has a 40 ton shear rating

23rd May 2012, 10:04 PM
Here’s what I have on DX grunt


Front…..I have one on each side, so when I hook up the bridle, there’s even pressure on both sides.



Take care out there.


Hey Rossco,

I have a rear tow thingo and shackle like yours on the back, just wondering where you got the front red and black ones from and what brand they are?


DX grunt
23rd May 2012, 10:08 PM
ARB or Supa Cheap, I think. It's a while ago. Can't remember the brand name. Sorry to be so vague, but it was over 12 months ago.

Edit: The back recovery point is a Bushranger one.

23rd May 2012, 10:17 PM
What about those "Recovery Hitch tongue with shackle" type things that go into where your tow ball tongue goes and uses the pin to hold it in place? are these just as dangerous? Is it the "Pin" that is letting go or or ball snapping off the tongue?

In most cases the ball just shears off from the thread and flies towards the vehicle being recovered like a cannonball.

Way too many people get injured and many deaths are caused by this.

23rd May 2012, 10:43 PM
Thanks everyone, I have one just like "DX grunt" and I feel a bit safer knowing now that they are a lot safer than tow balls. The orange and black shackle looks like a Ridge Ryder brand one from Super Cheap Auto, about $20 from memory.

This topic is very real for me, only last year we had a death of a local boy who was sitting in the back seat of a vehicle being recovered when a Tow ball slingshot through the front seat and into his face. There is now a memorial at the scene where it happened on the Sandy Cape Track on the West coast of Tassie. It's a very tragic thing and should never happen again seeing as there is SO many other ways to hitch a snatch these days.

If a tow ball "must" be used, put the snatch strap over and around the tow bar BEFORE looping it up and over the tow ball. This forces the strap to "pull" the tow ball towards the recovery vehicle and not towards the stranded vehicle.

If this is wrong I will delete it, but i think it is the ONLY way a tow ball should ever be used to recover any vehicle.

DX grunt
23rd May 2012, 10:47 PM
Now that you mention it, I think it was a Ridge Rider from Supa Cheap.

I personally won't recover or expect anyone else to recover me with a tow ball. I always carry a shovel and Maxtrax. Even a couple of bits of long thick carpet, or something similar would have to be safer than a flying towball. It's not rocket science and knowledge is power!!

Thanks to everybody for reading this thread. If it saves at least one life, I'm happy.

As I always say, with good intentions and from my heart...... Take care out there.


23rd May 2012, 10:50 PM
Hey mate It's good to have this info here for everyone to read for sure.

I wouldn't be using a tow ball under any circumstances to be honest. At the very least and nothing else I would be taking the tow ball hitch out sliding the snatch into the hitch receiver and lock it in with the bolt but that's not ideal either but is safer then the ball.

Happy for anyone to flame me on that too if they want but defiantly no ball no matter what loops or tricks IMHO.

28th May 2012, 07:56 PM
Opposite Lock in Ballarat have a bonfide case of a female who suffered fatal injures after the tow ball snapped off and hit her on the upper body. It is taped to their front counter with time date place names and circumstances of the accident. Brings it home when there is a actual name attached to the event. As far as 13 deaths in 12 months I find that circumspect as state coroners would be linking the deaths and putting significant effort in reducing incidents. Still, one death is too many.

7th June 2012, 11:43 AM
Just curious is there a forum member that could make up stickers for the rear of our trucks with the warning that a lot of us have adopted in our signatures (thanks to who ever started it) i would purchase a couple without hesitation think having them on our trucks would show that we as 4wdrivers are serious about safety and it would get the message out there where its needed most

7th June 2012, 11:45 AM
Just curious is there a forum member that could make up stickers for the rear of our trucks with the warning that a lot of us have adopted in our signatures (thanks to who ever started it) i would purchase a couple without hesitation think having them on our trucks would show that we as 4wdrivers are serious about safety and it would get the message out there where its needed most

Top idea - I second the motion!!

the ferret
7th June 2012, 12:52 PM
Just curious is there a forum member that could make up stickers for the rear of our trucks with the warning that a lot of us have adopted in our signatures (thanks to who ever started it) i would purchase a couple without hesitation think having them on our trucks would show that we as 4wdrivers are serious about safety and it would get the message out there where its needed most

Now that is a great idea, nothing like spreading the word, even those without a 4x4 would get the message, young kids would grow up with this message in the back of their minds.
Cheers, the ferret.

7th June 2012, 01:05 PM
Just curious is there a forum member that could make up stickers for the rear of our trucks with the warning that a lot of us have adopted in our signatures (thanks to who ever started it) i would purchase a couple without hesitation think having them on our trucks would show that we as 4wdrivers are serious about safety and it would get the message out there where its needed most

Yeah that's a good idea mate. I can whip up some stickers....

Tap, crackle, pop

7th June 2012, 01:53 PM
Perfect put me down for 2 for starters

the ferret
7th June 2012, 02:02 PM
I'll have 4 thanks, When they are ready, send me a PM and I will sort payment.

Nice bright colours, for example:


Cheers, the ferret.

7th June 2012, 02:36 PM
Put me down for 10 ...

Sir Roofy
7th June 2012, 02:40 PM
lucas mate better get me one as well let me know when there ready

7th June 2012, 05:01 PM
The current slogan is pretty good

Warning: Using a snatch strap on any tow ball can kill people.

I haven't been able to come up with a shorter one.

I want to put it on the back step of my GQ near that loop that we so often talk about.

I wonder if we could cover both?

What about 'No Snatch' with an arrow pointing left or right, and under that, the words something like 'No Snatch from Towball - it can kill'

I bet someone can do better.

7th June 2012, 07:23 PM
Just watched the current Ultra tune ad the one they drag the ford out of the water and pretty sure they drag it out by the towball

DX grunt
7th June 2012, 07:30 PM
Now, the colour scheme/s.

Black writing on white back ground or white writing on a black back ground will suit my white troll.

Just my suggestion. A splash of red may be the alternative???????

I'll take two, please.



Finly Owner
7th June 2012, 09:49 PM
Snatch Strap + Towball = Death!

7th June 2012, 09:56 PM
Snatch Strap + Towball = Death!

Simple and direct......... I like it, nice one Tim

7th June 2012, 10:06 PM
Towball Recoveries Kill

Tapp tillya Crap

Finly Owner
7th June 2012, 10:08 PM
Simple and direct......... I like it, nice one TimThanks Adrian.


7th June 2012, 10:44 PM
Snatch Strap + Towball = Death!

I like it simple enough for even the thickest dim wits to understand

12th June 2012, 08:31 PM
Anyone seen the latest Colorado ad? I just saw the last bit of it, I'm pretty sure I sure them using the towball to snatch out whatever it was with a chain too. I just busted my download, good old Three stooges, so now my net is at snail pace and I can't download the ad to watch it, so I'm not real sure if they did or not but I reckon they did.
Edit : just confirmed, will upload the images too :) Dumb arses, snatched with a chain, it is a snatch and not just a plain drag, attached the chain to the towball AND had two guys right next to them watching on. Well atleast they were were a safety vest.

12th June 2012, 08:35 PM
Anyone seen the latest Colorado ad? I just saw the last bit of it, I'm pretty sure I sure them using the towball to snatch out whatever it was with a chain too. I just busted my download, good old Three stooges, so now my net is at snail pace and I can't download the ad to watch it, so I'm not real sure if they did or not but I reckon they did.

Yes they are using the tow ball to snatch with a chain, Idiots!!!!!

12th June 2012, 09:01 PM
Here's some pics. I posted this up in the Coly section in 4wd action forums too. Just to rub it in a little...

First we'll give her a rev...


From slack to tight, yep them's snatchin'.

Looks like the chain is around the towball to me...I do hope I'm wrong on this one.


Well atleast they have their hard hats and safety vests on just incase the chain lets go or the towball snaps off. I'd love to see how a hard hat stands up against a flying towball.

12th June 2012, 09:03 PM
looks like theyre pulling out a tractor of all things...

12th June 2012, 09:07 PM
Nah going by the side mirrors and to what it looks like to be a tray on the back I reckon a small truck.

12th June 2012, 09:33 PM
my bad, just had another look at it.
still pretty dumb for an uncovered chain.

14th June 2012, 10:39 PM
Anyone seen the latest Colorado ad? I just saw the last bit of it, I'm pretty sure I sure them using the towball to snatch out whatever it was with a chain too. I just busted my download, good old Three stooges, so now my net is at snail pace and I can't download the ad to watch it, so I'm not real sure if they did or not but I reckon they did.
Edit : just confirmed, will upload the images too :) Dumb arses, snatched with a chain, it is a snatch and not just a plain drag, attached the chain to the towball AND had two guys right next to them watching on. Well atleast they were were a safety vest.

This was posted on the 4x4earth forum as well as a link to complain to Holden about it. A company as large as Holden should be paying their OH&S guys enough money to research the correct way of doing things. I started 4wding recently, and have had to do a few recoveries from limited experience, and even I'm not dumb enough to yank a truck from a tow ball. Guess if you drive a "tough truck" like a Colorado, all you need to recover vehicles is a hard hat and some yobo running commentary about how much torque is being used...

15th June 2012, 07:19 AM
I'm pretty sure I saw the last bit of an ultra tune commercial last night where a car is pulled out of a lake via the TOWBALL.
Although it only caught my eye just as it finished but I think so.

15th June 2012, 04:44 PM
I received this today, after I sent my comments to Holden about their Colorado ad:

Dear Michael,

We refer to your recent email regarding the Colorado advertising campaign.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention.

Holden values customer comments and feedback and appreciates the time you have taken to write to us. While we devote considerable resources prior to the release of any advertisement or marketing campaign, we understand that occasionally there will be areas that are open to constructive comments.

In response to feedback, the advertisement in question was modified immediately by Holden prior to national syndication, however, some regional and pay-tv stations may not have received these changes in time. As a result the original version of the ad may have screened in some instances over the weekend. We are currently working with media outlets to ensure all original versions of the advertising are removed and replaced with the rectified advert.

Please be assured that Holden places a great deal of emphasis on the views and opinions held by our customers. We are proud of our company’s strong reputation within the Australian community and safety remains our highest priority in all that we do.

Please understand that our intentions are not meant to offend or make light of any safety issues and we wish to offer our sincere apologies.

Yours sincerely,
Sarah Drew
Holden Customer Assistance Centre

15th June 2012, 04:54 PM
That's a great response. Good job 1nertia and all others that sent emails.
You may have just saved a life.

Tap, crackle, pop

15th June 2012, 05:32 PM
To top it off they should give us all free clubsports Yay

Tapp tillya Crap

15th June 2012, 05:38 PM
Bit of a cop out really. Should have known better to begin with.

15th June 2012, 06:23 PM
Saw the same "old" ad on 7 Mate this arvo, snatching with a chain attached to a towball http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/images/imported/2012/06/1.gif

15th June 2012, 08:07 PM
To top it off they should give us all free clubsports Yay

Tapp tillya Crap

I got enough oil on my driveway without one of these rust proofers helping the act along.

Finly Owner
15th June 2012, 09:51 PM
I'm pretty sure I saw the last bit of an ultra tune commercial last night where a car is pulled out of a lake via the TOWBALL.
Although it only caught my eye just as it finished but I think so.Correct!


Finly Owner
15th June 2012, 09:53 PM
I received this today, after I sent my comments to Holden about their Colorado ad:

Dear Michael,

We refer to your recent email regarding the Colorado advertising campaign.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention.

Holden values customer comments and feedback and appreciates the time you have taken to write to us. While we devote considerable resources prior to the release of any advertisement or marketing campaign, we understand that occasionally there will be areas that are open to constructive comments.

In response to feedback, the advertisement in question was modified immediately by Holden prior to national syndication, however, some regional and pay-tv stations may not have received these changes in time. As a result the original version of the ad may have screened in some instances over the weekend. We are currently working with media outlets to ensure all original versions of the advertising are removed and replaced with the rectified advert.

Please be assured that Holden places a great deal of emphasis on the views and opinions held by our customers. We are proud of our company’s strong reputation within the Australian community and safety remains our highest priority in all that we do.

Please understand that our intentions are not meant to offend or make light of any safety issues and we wish to offer our sincere apologies.

Yours sincerely,
Sarah Drew
Holden Customer Assistance CentreBRAVO, Well done Mate.


the ferret
15th June 2012, 10:01 PM
Well done to all who contacted Holden and the various GOVT bodies, you may have saved a life or two.
The POWER of the Forum!!
Cheers, the ferret.

17th June 2012, 11:28 AM
The POWER of the Forum!!

Yeah baby!

17th June 2012, 05:24 PM
Found this post worth a look to see how fast a death could happen

Just saw this on The 4WD Show forum...........scary stuff.
All of you members that are new to the 4WDing scene please do not attempt any of this stuff when recovering another vehicle.......PLEASE.


Finly Owner
17th June 2012, 09:41 PM
Found this post worth a look to see how fast a death could happen

Just saw this on The 4WD Show forum...........scary stuff.
All of you members that are new to the 4WDing scene please do not attempt any of this stuff when recovering another vehicle.......PLEASE.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8lMxYnGIrw&feature=relatedYeah this one has been shown here before. It raises lots of questions:

This one clearly shows everything not to do!


18th June 2012, 09:56 AM
Hey guys sorry i must have missed the orders for the towball stickers. Ill post up a few designs and work out a price. (probably only $5 for a single colour)

So what sort of sizes are we after?
Same width as the numberplate (to go just under the number plate)?
bottom of barn door?

Sir Roofy
18th June 2012, 10:19 AM

this is a classic example of why we promote this

18th June 2012, 10:27 AM
And that was just the strap, imagine if the towball went with it.

Sir Roofy
18th June 2012, 12:06 PM
and that was just the strap, imagine if the towball went with it.

wonder what they are saying

18th June 2012, 12:19 PM
looks like the driver is brushing glass out of his hair

Sir Roofy
18th June 2012, 01:45 PM
looks like the driver is brushing glass out of his hair
was alucky fella could have been his brain being cleaned of the windscreen

18th June 2012, 02:34 PM
Saw the same "old" ad on 7 Mate this arvo, snatching with a chain attached to a towball http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/images/imported/2012/06/1.gif

Saw it on 7 yesterday

Tapp tillya Crap

18th June 2012, 08:13 PM
The more I read this thread the more amazed I am at the stupidity of people. Watching the videos doesn't show that people don't know the correct procedures for recovery, they just don't give enough of a damn to go the extra 30 seconds to make it a lot safer.

It's a hell of sad way to cull the worlds population of morons.

Where can one get these stickers that were mentioned earlier?

18th June 2012, 08:26 PM
Where can one get these stickers that were mentioned earlier?

im going to post a few samples tomorrow. Once we figure out what colours, size etc, then ill make up a few. Watch this space!

Sir Roofy
18th June 2012, 08:29 PM
im going to post a few samples tomorrow. Once we figure out what colours, size etc, then ill make up a few. Watch this space!

am waiting and watching,nice,n brite mate so as to stand out

18th June 2012, 08:33 PM

this is a classic example of why we promote this

Can see where he effed up.................shoulda got a bigger run up!!!..................Luckiest effer out i rekon that was faster than fast and surely woulda gone straight through the back and out the front of his head if it had hit him!!!!!!!!!!!!

18th June 2012, 09:16 PM
Yes there was also a case where 2 snatch straps were joined by a "D" shackel and when 1 strap broke the "D" went through the back window and killed ther son. Just shows how things can go very wrong very quickly
As a rule i only join 2 straps if realy needed and by the eyes with news paper to prevent them getting stuck and use a dampner on all straps used

20th June 2012, 07:03 PM
im going to post a few samples tomorrow. Once we figure out what colours, size etc, then ill make up a few. Watch this space!

Ok just whipped up a few samples for you guys to check out.
They are just a rough sketch, feel free to offer your opinions, ideas and suggestions.
They can be any colour combo or any size.
I reckon i can do the single colour ones for $8 and the two colour ones for $10. Cheaper for multiples etc. Probably $2 postage.
Ill have a better idea once we pick a design.
If we all settle on a single design i will be able to do a bigger run of them and do them cheaper.

20th June 2012, 07:05 PM
Numbers 4 and 6 are winners in my books.

20th June 2012, 07:05 PM
PS, just saw the colorado ad. It hasnt been amended on channel GO in Tassie yet.... still the original

21st June 2012, 07:31 AM
4,5 OR 6 ARE GOOD FOR ME And the colorado ad was also aired unchanged on 7 two last night HOLDEN YOU ARE FULL OF SHITE

21st June 2012, 08:55 PM
found another one this guys very lucky

21st June 2012, 10:24 PM
Ok just whipped up a few samples for you guys to check out.
They are just a rough sketch, feel free to offer your opinions, ideas and suggestions.
They can be any colour combo or any size.
I reckon i can do the single colour ones for $8 and the two colour ones for $10. Cheaper for multiples etc. Probably $2 postage.
Ill have a better idea once we pick a design.
If we all settle on a single design i will be able to do a bigger run of them and do them cheaper.

Love your work Lucas, no6 in the black and yellow wins my vote........ Would it be an idea to start a new thread for a vote on which sticker?

21st June 2012, 10:58 PM
the Colorado ad has been changed in Qld - while I think I spotted a tow ball early in the ad, by the time the chain is in sight, there is one of those billet and shackle devices in place in the hitch receiver.

So, hats off to Holden from me - they moved pretty fast given they presumably had to reshoot - or do something clever with a computer program to alter the image.

21st June 2012, 11:12 PM
yes, I like 4 and 6. My question is, are we pushing people towards putting a shackle and a strap onto that much discussed loop on the back step?

21st June 2012, 11:32 PM
yes, I like 4 and 6. My question is, are we pushing people towards putting a shackle and a strap onto that much discussed loop on the back step?
Don't think so Rick, this maybe be a Patrol forum but we're pushing for the safe recoveries of all 4wds...... that's the way I look at it anyway, seeing as its only Patrols who have that little loop...... I think

21st June 2012, 11:46 PM
Clunk I see it that way too - but, it will be Patrols that have the sticker on them.

I wonder if we could be really subversive, and each order say 10 stickers. Stick one on our rig, and the other 9 on random 4bys that look like they get off road from time to time. Initially I thought to do this without asking permission. However, I can't run too fast, so have decided I'll just approach the driver and have a conversation and ask if they'd stick one on. Obviously it would depend on cost of the stickers - my generosity and principles only take me so far :-)

Getting back to my original question, Taslucas, how much would it cost me to have a sticker saying 'No Snatch' and an arrow pointing right for me to put on the back step?

21st June 2012, 11:53 PM
Maybe we should start infiltrating other 4wd forums and spread the message about stickers ........

21st June 2012, 11:56 PM
Maybe we should start infiltrating other 4wd forums and spread the message about stickers ........

would the clubs pick it up?

22nd June 2012, 12:12 AM
would the clubs pick it up?

They may well do........ specially if their members are as serious as most of us about it

22nd June 2012, 08:01 AM
Clunk I see it that way too - but, it will be Patrols that have the sticker on them.

I wonder if we could be really subversive, and each order say 10 stickers. Stick one on our rig, and the other 9 on random 4bys that look like they get off road from time to time. Initially I thought to do this without asking permission. However, I can't run too fast, so have decided I'll just approach the driver and have a conversation and ask if they'd stick one on. Obviously it would depend on cost of the stickers - my generosity and principles only take me so far :-)

Getting back to my original question, Taslucas, how much would it cost me to have a sticker saying 'No Snatch' and an arrow pointing right for me to put on the back step?

Probably looking at $8 for a one-off sticker (around 200-300mm wide, single colour). But as for the other stickers, if we can decide on a single design then i can do heaps at a time and get the price right down.

22nd June 2012, 08:02 AM
Love your work Lucas, no6 in the black and yellow wins my vote........ Would it be an idea to start a new thread for a vote on which sticker?

Yeah probably a good idea to start a poll. Should i make one in 4x4 safety?

22nd June 2012, 08:05 AM
You would like to think that any responsible club would pick this up (will be showing these to my club for sure) also maybe we could get 4wd tv to run with this promoting it as a nissanpatrol.com.au forums initiative.
Taslucas any way stickers could possibly have proudly sponsord by www.nissanpatrol.com.au along the bottom somewhere?

22nd June 2012, 08:11 AM
Probably could but the vinyl lettering can only go down to about 10mm high. If i get them digitally printed then it can be as small as it wants but the cost of the stickers would go up.

22nd June 2012, 09:24 AM
Lucas a poll would be the way to go be maybe post up in safety first the moderators would move it to the right spot if it had to be moved

22nd June 2012, 10:27 AM
Probably looking at $8 for a one-off sticker (around 200-300mm wide, single colour). But as for the other stickers, if we can decide on a single design then i can do heaps at a time and get the price right down.

Thanks Taslucas, I'll order one with the other sticker when the time comes - after the poll. Is there any chance you could add that sticker as an optional extra in that poll? (to gauge if there is any interest in it apart from little old me :-) )


DX grunt
22nd June 2012, 10:31 AM
would the clubs pick it up?

I have an idea that I'm running past AB at the moment.

Many people are keen on stickers, so....... what wording/colouring do you think should be on it?

DX grunt
22nd June 2012, 10:38 AM
If anybody has any info at all regarding deaths, injuries or damage caused by towballs, please add it here.

This includes web links. The more publicity this subject gets, the more it should sink in to peoples' heads about the dangers and consequences.

My idea will go outside the square.

22nd June 2012, 10:47 AM
I have an idea that I'm running past AB at the moment.

Many people are keen on stickers, so....... what wording/colouring do you think should be on it?

I've put up a few samples a few pages back.

Tap, crackle, pop

22nd June 2012, 10:50 AM

22nd June 2012, 12:18 PM
this makes reference to a towball death
Tasmainian towball death

22nd June 2012, 02:06 PM
That last one in Tassie is a horror story. R.I.P. Josh.
When you drive down the west coast, you have go past where it happened. There was a little shrine with his photo on it for a while. Such a barren lonely place to leave this world......

Tap, crackle, pop

22nd June 2012, 02:22 PM
The Tassie accident involved a failure of a weld in the component to which the tow ball is bolted, due to rust etc, not the tow ball.

This highlights the need to assess the whole recovery point, whatever it happens to be, for corrosion, cracks and other issues.

22nd June 2012, 03:48 PM
It was a home weld job. They had welded the towball tongue into the receiver allowing water to be trapped behind and therefore rust out and weaken the wall thickness. The towball, tongue and part of the receiver let go and went through the windscreen then Josh's head then landed NINETY METRES behind the 4wd....... Chilling stuff

Tap, crackle, pop

Sir Roofy
22nd June 2012, 04:25 PM
4,5 OR 6 ARE GOOD FOR ME And the colorado ad was also aired unchanged on 7 two last night HOLDEN YOU ARE FULL OF SHITE

its been changed to a D shackle

Sir Roofy
22nd June 2012, 04:28 PM
lucas pm me your details when you have them ready

22nd June 2012, 04:53 PM
lucas pm me your details when you have them ready

No worries Roofy. I'll get a poll going this weekend and once we settle on q design I'll get some made up

Tap, crackle, pop

22nd June 2012, 09:31 PM
Ouch thats gotta ruin your day

Finly Owner
22nd June 2012, 09:55 PM
Call me Biast, but I think my design spells out exactly what and why.

Snatch Strap + Towball = Death!

We can't just tell them not to use snatch strap and towballs.
In traffic at lights etc you have about 30 seconds for someone to notice your sticker, read it, and digest it.

The above is the old "KISS" rule, (keep it simple stupid).

I suggest 75mm high, Red, and a font similarto Newspaper Headlines. I also suggest set the same as I typed it, Death being in bold while the first bit in standard.

I will the buy at least five for myself, and ask my club to purchase 50.


22nd June 2012, 10:06 PM
Just because you are biased doesn't mean it ain't a good idea Tim :-)

Sounds like Taslucas can do a few designs if those wanting something different are prepared to pay a tiny bit more.

I wonder how it would look as a pictograph? The towball and the Death's head are easy - the strap might be tougher?

From my perspective, (I must have been hanging around those stylish GU owners too much) I want a sticker that fits somewhere fairly neatly on my wagon, without blocking too much rear vision. I'm aiming for the back step.

There's always spare wheel covers and other places to display the message too.

Finly Owner
23rd June 2012, 12:16 AM
I have half a tailgate, So better thinkabout white for that.


24th June 2012, 02:24 PM
Sticker poll is now open:)

24th June 2012, 04:09 PM
good work mate

3rd July 2012, 12:51 AM
Another note to add to this WARNING.

This weekend we were 4wding and had to snatch a Suzuki Feroza from a river crossing. there was a bit of a current and we were in a bit if a panic about them being washed away, the snatch strap was hooked over the Factory Tow hook on the front of the Zook. Thinking these tow hooks would be a safe place to snatch from I hooked the snatch onto there, being in a rush and expecting it to be an easy snatch of pulling a dead and light 4wd and a 10,000kg snatch the dampener bad was forgotten... this almost ended in my girlfriend being KILLED. If I hadn't shut the rear hatch it would have hit her for sure. The Factory Tow hook flew off the Zook smashing it into the rear door of a 100 series Cruiser with enough force to punch two holes and a big dent in both halves of the door.

So i think it's safe to add Factory tow hooks to the "DANGER list" And remember kids, ALWAYS use the dampener bag!!!


3rd July 2012, 12:53 AM
F@rkn lucky mate!!!

Tap, Tap.......Who's there?

3rd July 2012, 01:23 AM
Jeez mate, very lucky indeed

3rd July 2012, 06:39 AM
One question Matt...... what the #$%@^@$%^@#$ were you doing in a Toyota! *L*

Good 2 hear everyone came out unharmed and thanks for posting it up here ( and relpying on FB )



3rd July 2012, 08:27 AM
Maaate that was lucky, just got to use an air brake all the time.
Thanks for the graphic lesson.
A few seconds longer setting up can save so much hassle as you have shown here.
The Zook was still stuck while you gathered yourselves togeather again.
Getting hard to work out what is safe to attach to when you see this happening.
Bet the heart rate went up!!!!

the ferret
3rd July 2012, 10:19 AM
I think it's only a matter of time before some poor soul get's their head mashed, then something might be done about it.
Only so much can be done on forums to alert folks to the danger but if you are not a forum member and have never been told, you are at risk without even knowing.
Big thanks to Mudslut for that post.
Cheers, the ferret.

3rd July 2012, 10:53 AM
I think it's only a matter of time before some poor soul get's their head mashed, then something might be done about it.
Only so much can be done on forums to alert folks to the danger but if you are not a forum member and have never been told, you are at risk without even knowing.
Big thanks to Mudslut for that post.
Cheers, the ferret.

There's already been A LOT of deaths

the ferret
3rd July 2012, 11:23 AM
There's already been A LOT of deaths
And don't I know it, but there is bound to be more sadly, and when you least expect it, it can happen sooooo quick, no time to duck for cover.
Cheers, the ferret.

3rd July 2012, 01:46 PM
No worries guys, I'm defiantly going to always use a weighted bag every time from now on, no matter how easy of a recovery it's "meant" to be. The answer to why I was in a Toyota, my patrol is STILL in the shop getting the new diffs put in. Coming up to a month now ;(

3rd July 2012, 01:56 PM
Education ,education, other than forums, clubs need to stress that point no end to new members, I'm ex TLCCV and did driver awareness like everyone else. can't remember anything about TOWBALLS. I know the PREZ of 4WD VIC and will be requesting he put in bold letters a warning in any future issue of track watch, as well as the TLCCV mag. I know heaps high up in trade and Mags so will shoot an email to all. every 4x4 mag should have a warning on every page down the bottom. leave it with me. Lets say right now NO MORE DEATHS OR INJURIES

DX grunt
12th July 2012, 09:28 AM
ARB 4 x 4 Accessorriesis is informing its Facebook readers about the dangers of snatching from tow balls - Thanks heaps guys. It's much appreciated.

Please, no comments about vehicle brand!!!.


Take care out there.


DX grunt
12th July 2012, 11:22 PM
We have a supporter. Read the above thread.

ARB 4x4 Accessories
13th July 2012, 04:38 PM
Hi guys, great to see you supporting this cause.

Here's a shot of the photo we posted on Facebook in case some members don't have an account.

Cheers, Sam.


13th July 2012, 05:19 PM
Hi guys, great to see you supporting this cause.

Here's a shot of the photo we posted on Facebook in case some members don't have an account.

Cheers, Sam.


That photo has been posted on here twice, once by DXgrunt (from your FB page) and once a few months ago. Theres some other nasty similar photos about too.
Thanks for supporting the issue too Sam:)

Tap, crackle, pop

13th July 2012, 05:22 PM
I've updated what I've been able to do so far but its on the other thread, please read it

2nd August 2012, 02:54 AM
Wow , I have just got my 1st 4x4 and would never have relized this fact, any serious stuff I will be doing will be with long timers so hopefully they would have made sure i am aware of this danger. Once you think about it , it is very logical that it would snap and go flying like a bullet.

2nd August 2012, 03:15 AM
Like a cannon ball mate! Glad to hear your now aware of the danger

Tap, Tap.......Who's there?

DX grunt
2nd August 2012, 08:33 AM
Wow , I have just got my 1st 4x4 and would never have relized this fact, any serious stuff I will be doing will be with long timers so hopefully they would have made sure i am aware of this danger. Once you think about it , it is very logical that it would snap and go flying like a bullet.

It's people like Bubba and others like him that join forums like this, and not forgetting visitors who read these threads, that learn things that can save their lives and those of others.

Bubba is to be congratulated, because after only 5 posts, he has now more wisdom and knowledge to convey to others that aren't privy to this sort of information.

Sadly, common sense is very rare these days, and I've learnt that people either know things, or they don't. Well done Bubba and people like you.

Take care out there.


2nd August 2012, 11:24 AM
I have to admit that I used to use the towball for snatch recoveries until I read this forum

Forums like these are very helpful for all sorts of information

2nd August 2012, 12:37 PM
I have to admit that I used to use the towball for snatch recoveries until I read this forum

Forums like these are very helpful for all sorts of information

You'll find lots of us have done the same before as well but the important thing is we now know and can spread the word!

..........on the move

2nd August 2012, 12:42 PM
You'll find lots of us have done the same before as well but the important thing is we now know and can spread the word!

I too, if not had read on this forum about the dangers, would probably had done so, thinking it would be sufficient enough for a snatch recovery

2nd August 2012, 11:06 PM
Holden Plus Work place Health & Safety should be hauled over the coals for that add, How stupid?????????????

3rd August 2012, 07:41 AM
Holden Plus Work place Health & Safety should be hauled over the coals for that add, How stupid?????????????

I thought it was taken off air. Is it still on?

..........on the move

3rd August 2012, 08:54 AM
Well I think I need to stop going off road with the 100 series that I posted that pic of the tow hook dent. Two weeks ago they got stuck again... So we got all set up with the strap and dampener bag, next min the chassis rail of this Hilux rips apart launching the shackle past the 100 series! My brand new bag has flew to bits!?!?! Did I cause this to happen? The bag I bought had a pocket in it for what looked like adding temporary weight, so I shovelled some sand into it. Was this a stupid thing to do? The way I saw it was the bag weighs 1kg, a flying chunk of metal weighs probably 100kg with kinetic energy. So I thought I'd make the bag heavier to try and slow the shackle down. The part of the bag that had the sand in it stayed where it was and the rest of the bag ended up where the rest of the strap was. Someone please tell me what was wrong, the bag or me, cos I think I'm running out of lives ;)

3rd August 2012, 09:02 AM
Nothing wrong with you or the dampener bag. I'd say the chassis rail is at fault there!!

3rd August 2012, 09:53 AM
The problem was that there were two Toyotas in the equation... something was bound to go wrong!!
In all seriousness though it is a bit of a worry. How did your bag tear? Did the shackle fail or was it the Hilux's rail that failed?

3rd August 2012, 10:15 PM
No the shackle ripped through the chassis, and went flying still attached to the strap. The bag flew to bits, the stitching was pulled apart and was left in two bits. So, am I meant to leave it empty or fill it with sand? I haven't bought another one yet as I'm planning to make my own from these hessian bags with heavy stitching. I feel these will be a much better option, sad thing is there is only one way to find out if it works. :/

3rd August 2012, 10:30 PM
If it's heavy and can be draped over the strap then it is good.

9th August 2012, 05:52 AM
its a worry how many clips you see of vehicle recoveries on the web with someone in the passenger seat or standing right in the line of fire by the vehicle. ive been in mining for a fair few years and have done my fair share of 4x4 driving and recovery corses.
and believe me when i say we have had to pull 20tonne trucks out of mud with chains. alot has changed since then but i have seen chains snap and links hit the winscreen, its scarey. dont take any of what you read here lightly, it is for real and thanks for trying to push home the safety issues involved with recoveries

9th August 2012, 05:56 AM
you can take to the towball out and use the pin through the tow bar. its rated towballs are not

20th September 2012, 07:39 PM
Hey Tas big rap for you today went to pickup a present for my young blokes 21st while we were at the factory a guy came across started raving about the sticker on the back said its great to see someone trying to make a difference explained that its a patrol forums inititaive and a guy called taslucas does the stickers this guy owns a hilux said he was going to get stuck into the forum site he belongs too SO WELL DONE MATE FOR A GREAT JOB ON THE STICKERS

20th September 2012, 08:00 PM
Hey thats awesome mate:-). I can only make them though, its you guys that are getting the message out there. Thats great to hear

Tap, crackle, pop

29th December 2012, 03:00 PM
Thanks for making this such an important part of this forum.
You guys rock!

30th December 2012, 02:56 AM
I didn`t know about this problem, sure as hell glad I know now.Never seen it mentioned on any 4x4 forums over here, message needs getting across in the UK as well.

Can you send some stickers over here, willing to pay all costs.

30th December 2012, 06:27 AM
Glad you've seen it now then!!

Edit: PM taslucas for stickers

HaveA tapped out new year

30th December 2012, 07:07 AM
Came across a rather large group all bogged on the beach, as we passed there was one car attempting a snatch utilizing the tow ball on both vehicles. It was at this point I made a conscious decision to leave our group to conduct some education by assistance. Turns out none of them had a clue about anything 4wd related, I informed them about the deadly dangers of tow balls and then proceeded to drop their tyres from the 45 PSI that they had them at to something more appropriate. The looks on their face when they drove out was priceless. Every car stuck (6 in total) ended up driving themselves out once at proper pressures.

Sent while temporally motionless

Sir Roofy
30th December 2012, 07:14 AM
Came across a rather large group all bogged on the beach, as we passed there was one car attempting a snatch utilizing the tow ball on both vehicles. It was at this point I made a conscious decision to leave our group to conduct some education by assistance. Turns out none of them had a clue about anything 4wd related, I informed them about the deadly dangers of tow balls and then proceeded to drop their tyres from the 45 PSI that they had them at to something more appropriate. The looks on their face when they drove out was priceless. Every car stuck (6 in total) ended up driving themselves out once at proper pressures.

Sent while temporally motionless

good for you mate if more ppl like your self stopped and helped there maybe fewer accidents
and you have just maybe saved someones life
thanks for your effort

30th December 2012, 08:26 PM
Curious, If you came across a car that was stuck and proceeded to help them out, But they had no recovery point on the rear except a towbar, would it be feasable to removed the towbar, place the snatch strap into the hole then put the pin back in thus using the snatch strap on the pin? Have never done this but wondered would it be safe?


30th December 2012, 08:31 PM
Curious, If you came across a car that was stuck and proceeded to help them out, But they had no recovery point on the rear except a towbar, would it be feasable to removed the towbar, place the snatch strap into the hole then put the pin back in thus using the snatch strap on the pin? Have never done this but wondered would it be safe?


IMHO yes mate for sure

HaveA tapped out new year

Sir Roofy
30th December 2012, 08:38 PM
curious, if you came across a car that was stuck and proceeded to help them out, but they had no recovery point on the rear except a towbar, would it be feasable to removed the towbar, place the snatch strap into the hole then put the pin back in thus using the snatch strap on the pin? Have never done this but wondered would it be safe?


same as growlers mate best to do it that way

30th December 2012, 08:49 PM
I will keep this in mind if I ever need to help someone out, thanks for the replies.

31st December 2012, 03:11 PM
Curious, If you came across a car that was stuck and proceeded to help them out, But they had no recovery point on the rear except a towbar, would it be feasable to removed the towbar, place the snatch strap into the hole then put the pin back in thus using the snatch strap on the pin? Have never done this but wondered would it be safe?

In theory - yes. A properly fitted (using the correct amount of suitable high tensile bolts) HR style tow bar will do the job. Many rear recoveries have been done safely this way for a long time now. The problems start when some numpty has worked on the car and has replaced the bolts with mild steel ones, or has not replaced all of the bolts. MS bolts will simply shear off with even the slightest amount of force. When the vehicle you are recovering is an unknown, it pays to poke your head up underneath and have a look at the bolt heads to make sure.

We came across a 4WD tray back one time that had a tow bar that looked home made and very much down scale. I refused to snatch him and he became upset and said his tow bar was fine. I thought otherwise. I did pull him out with the winch. We attaced chains to his spring points and used a bridle to spread the load. We covered the rope with dampers and if something broke - it would only be his truck.

1st January 2013, 02:43 PM
Came across a rather large group all bogged on the beach, as we passed there was one car attempting a snatch utilizing the tow ball on both vehicles. It was at this point I made a conscious decision to leave our group to conduct some education by assistance. Turns out none of them had a clue about anything 4wd related, I informed them about the deadly dangers of tow balls and then proceeded to drop their tyres from the 45 PSI that they had them at to something more appropriate. The looks on their face when they drove out was priceless. Every car stuck (6 in total) ended up driving themselves out once at proper pressures.

Sent while temporally motionless

Good onya mate, Job well done!

PS, how many soldiers do you still see forgetting to carry there weapon properly, even though they have been taught the proper way! The dick-brains still do the unthinkable! Civi's are no different!



1st January 2013, 04:00 PM
Came across a rather large group all bogged on the beach, as we passed there was one car attempting a snatch utilizing the tow ball on both vehicles. It was at this point I made a conscious decision to leave our group to conduct some education by assistance. Turns out none of them had a clue about anything 4wd related, I informed them about the deadly dangers of tow balls and then proceeded to drop their tyres from the 45 PSI that they had them at to something more appropriate. The looks on their face when they drove out was priceless. Every car stuck (6 in total) ended up driving themselves out once at proper pressures.

Sent while temporally motionless

And that right there is why we bother. Not only have you provided a great service there but you have educated a group of novice 4wders that hopefully will remember the lesson for ever. Not only that, that group of amateurs will now pass that knowledge to their friends and their kids and their clubs.

Nissanpatrol.com.au is spear heading a fundamental campaign that IS educating the masses and IS saving lives.

To everyone here that carries the warning in their Sig Line - Congratulations and well done.

To our community for supporting the inclusion of the warning in the Forum Header well done.

I am proud of our achievements, our message hits every new member and even picks up the 26poster group.

Nice one

2nd January 2013, 01:23 PM
Curious, If you came across a car that was stuck and proceeded to help them out, But they had no recovery point on the rear except a towbar, would it be feasable to removed the towbar, place the snatch strap into the hole then put the pin back in thus using the snatch strap on the pin? Have never done this but wondered would it be safe?


Dont do that!!!! I have seen this done. The pin bent just a tiny amount making it almost impossible to get it out of the tow bar. Doing this is safe enough, but it can be a night mare getting a bent pin out of there. Especially if you just un-hitched your trailer to do a recovery in the middle of no where......

2nd January 2013, 01:46 PM
Its amazing how you still see people get a rush of blood to the head and do silly things. I recently saw a guy lose his campertrailer in front of me - I could see it wobble and then lo and behold it came off and separated from the car. Luckily was only going slow so could avoid it - it ran into the gutter and a parked car. When I talked to him about it - he admitted he hadn't chained it up "because he was just taking it to the servo to put air in his tyres"!


2nd January 2013, 08:50 PM
Dont do that!!!! I have seen this done. The pin bent just a tiny amount making it almost impossible to get it out of the tow bar. Doing this is safe enough, but it can be a night mare getting a bent pin out of there. Especially if you just un-hitched your trailer to do a recovery in the middle of no where......

Wouldn't be on my car that's for sure! Does anybody know what the recovery point on the back of the patrol is rated at? Just had a look in the manual but couldn't find anything on it?


3rd January 2013, 01:48 PM
It's not a recovery point, it's a tow point. Big difference.

3rd January 2013, 01:58 PM
Wouldn't be on my car that's for sure! Does anybody know what the recovery point on the back of the patrol is rated at? Just had a look in the manual but couldn't find anything on it?


Hi trekster - its not rated and should only be used for towing. Have a look at threedogs (Outback Ideas) replacement hooks as an option.


3rd January 2013, 02:33 PM
You can also get solid steel blocks which fit the 50mm hitches and has a hole on the end for a rated bow shackle.
About $50 ish from memory from and auto store.
There the best option for rear recoveries.

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

3rd January 2013, 02:38 PM
You can also get solid steel blocks which fit the 50mm hitches and has a hole on the end for a rated bow shackle.
About $50 ish from memory from and auto store.
There the best option for rear recoveries.

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

Hi Westy - 100% agree - as long as you have a towbar. The bushranger gear is pretty good and $50 was spot on - that's what I paid.


DX grunt
3rd January 2013, 04:53 PM
Hi Westy - 100% agree - as long as you have a towbar. The bushranger gear is pretty good and $50 was spot on - that's what I paid.


This is the best pic I've got to show you at the moment.



DX grunt
3rd January 2013, 05:02 PM
You can also get solid steel blocks which fit the 50mm hitches and has a hole on the end for a rated bow shackle.
About $50 ish from memory from and auto store.
There the best option for rear recoveries.

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)


3rd January 2013, 05:09 PM
Watch out Rossco,

That vicious beast may just rip that towbar straight off the back of that GU.


DX grunt
3rd January 2013, 05:15 PM
Watch out Rossco,

That vicious beast may just rip that towbar straight off the back of that GU.


I don't think so. lol

It was the wife's dog and got ran over a few months ago. That little mutt never did like me. lol

No need for apologies - you didn't know.

I'd love a German Shepherd, but just don't have the time it needs to be loved and cared for.


3rd January 2013, 05:17 PM
Hi Guys, great to read all the good advice in this thread.

I just wanted to put this one out there for information and comment. This is a recovery point that fits in the Hayman Reece square hitch receiver. It's made with 50x50mm mild steel x 6mm wall thickness. The recovery hook is the standard type available from 4wd shops (buy from a reputable specialist), held in place with hi-tensile bolts. You'll see that each bolt has two nuts securing it; one inside the tube holding the hook in nice and tight, and a second nut outside the tube. A friend with engineering qualifications (RAN) described this as a double-shear configuration - each bolt would have to be sheared in two places for the attachment to fail (x two bolts). Similar configuration with the tube held in the square hitch receiver - the pin would have to shear on both sides for the fixture to fail. In practice I'd expect the chassis or the towbar itself to fail first.

I prefer this to the steel block and shackle fitting that is also designed for the square hitch receiver, as I've always worried about putting shock loadings on a shackle. I've been warned that shackles are rated for a static pull (or lift) rather than a shock loading. Happy to take advice on that one. Personally I'll always try for a gentle tug recovery first, and then use the winch rather than go for the "hero" approach. All those videos of snatching incidents are very sobering! Cheers!

3rd January 2013, 05:27 PM
Looks good mate. I have kinda lost a little faith in the hooks since my last trip out.

Check these pics bud!!!!



Snatch strap did not break! The end of the hook in the top pic punched a 10mm hole through the long range tank of the car in front!!

Was a Holy Sh1t moment!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

3rd January 2013, 05:44 PM
Ooouch! I'm starting to think there's no ideal way to set up for a "snatch" or "kinetic" recovery!

3rd January 2013, 07:55 PM
Well when dealing with 2 cars that weigh more than 2 tonne then there is always going to be risk, its how it is managed that can make the difference.

3rd January 2013, 08:18 PM
Ooouch! I'm starting to think there's no ideal way to set up for a "snatch" or "kinetic" recovery!

I agree with this comment. You can reduce the risk a hell of a lot but its always a dangerous procedure. 5 minutes on the shovel will usually save having to snatch.

3rd January 2013, 08:24 PM
Well when dealing with 2 cars that weigh more than 2 tonne then there is always going to be risk, its how it is managed that can make the difference.

I agree. Except you will probably find most Wagons are closer to 3ton than 2ton. Mine goes on the bridge at a pretty flat 3ton. I was in way too much mud at the time and my winch was dead.

A snatch would never have been my first choice in that situation. Using the calculations listed in "fundamentals or recovery" I was likely 300% of total weight at the time. A very bad day.

Giving it allot of thought over the last month I think there may be justification of replacing your hooks if they are used allot. Metal fatigue mus come into it? A Snatch steal strap has a useful life. Consider that.

Hooks are cheap. I will replacing all of mine.

3rd January 2013, 08:27 PM
I agree. Except you will probably find most Wagons are closer to 3ton than 2ton. Mine goes on the bridge at a pretty flat 3ton. I was in way too much mud at the time and my winch was dead.

A snatch would never have been my first choice in that situation. Using the calculations listed in "fundamentals or recovery" I was likely 300% of total weight at the time. A very bad day.

Giving it allot of thought over the last month I think there may be justification of replacing your hooks if they are used allot. Metal fatigue mus come into it? A Snatch steal strap has a useful life. Consider that.

Hooks are cheap. I will replacing all of mine.
Yeah I know better to mate, I drive over the scales a lot.... 2 tonne what was a thinking...I wasn't even drinking????

3rd January 2013, 09:31 PM
Like all things recovery gear has a life span.
If you look at a harness (personal fall arrest) once the lanyard is used (you've fallen) it deemed useless and thrown away.. there is no way of how to tell how many fibres have broken or strained, and realistically would you trust a used lanyard and risk you live for the sake of $80-100 for a new one??
Same thing with a snatch strap. The line has to be drawn.
The issue is lack of education.. even an oil spill on the strap can affect it.
Each use our gear gets weaker. But the untrained eye will never know until its in 2 pieces, and pray no one gets hurt..

This whole issue goes a bit further than just the ball that's for sure..

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

3rd January 2013, 10:03 PM
How are recovery hooks made? Looking at the broken one above, I'm guessing it was cast rather than forged? (Are these the right terms?) The surface where it broke looks very crystalline. Would a forged hook be stronger and less brittle? How do we find out what we're looking at in the shop?

3rd January 2013, 11:12 PM
Like all things recovery gear has a life span.
If you look at a harness (personal fall arrest) once the lanyard is used (you've fallen) it deemed useless and thrown away.. there is no way of how to tell how many fibres have broken or strained, and realistically would you trust a used lanyard and risk you live for the sake of $80-100 for a new one??
Same thing with a snatch strap. The line has to be drawn.
The issue is lack of education.. even an oil spill on the strap can affect it.
Each use our gear gets weaker. But the untrained eye will never know until its in 2 pieces, and pray no one gets hurt..

This whole issue goes a bit further than just the ball that's for sure..

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

Motorcycle helmets are the same. I spend around $1000 on my helmets. One drop, even just from the bike seat, and the helmet must be considered useless. But like they say; if you have a $10 head, buy a $10 helmet.

20th March 2013, 04:35 PM
Two Comments The chrome hooks Ive found break more than the Black, You dont need a D9 on steroids for a safe recovery.
Anyway just watching the Meteorite men on Channel ONE free to air Regardless of Vehicle stuck and recovery vehicle ,
"they used the Towball for the recovery".

They all had a big laugh outback NT raining , not so funny with 50mm hole in head,
PISSES ME RIGHT OFF NO END< seems the "WORD" is not getting out

20th March 2013, 05:30 PM

Because they're not in the know......


20th March 2013, 05:42 PM
They had a NT ranger there overlooking the recovery ,maybe thats the "Territory way" if it is they need to smarten up

20th March 2013, 06:08 PM
How are recovery hooks made? Looking at the broken one above, I'm guessing it was cast rather than forged? (Are these the right terms?) The surface where it broke looks very crystalline. Would a forged hook be stronger and less brittle? How do we find out what we're looking at in the shop?

I think country of origin plays a part in its quality......

22nd March 2013, 11:55 AM
Are these death is australia or around the world?

22nd March 2013, 12:04 PM
I would think world wide as I dont think IDIOTS are exclusive to Australa

22nd March 2013, 12:06 PM
I would think world wide as I dont think IDIOTS are exclusive to Australa

I wonder sometimes.......

22nd March 2013, 12:14 PM
I would think world wide as I dont think IDIOTS are exclusive to Australa

They are only idiots if they know how dangerous it is but do it anyway. The truth is a lot of people just dont know....


27th March 2013, 01:53 AM
I wonder sometimes.......

i agree, getting there

27th March 2013, 02:12 AM
I have the Taslucas sticker, I spread the word, and I still think it's like pushing it uphill... I'd love to say it's just Darwinism, but the problem is that the people who get hit aren't the ones that need to be eliminated from the gene pool...

9th April 2013, 03:27 AM
I have the Taslucas sticker, I spread the word, and I still think it's like pushing it uphill... I'd love to say it's just Darwinism, but the problem is that the people who get hit aren't the ones that need to be eliminated from the gene pool...

Hit the ball on the head with that one Squalo

9th April 2013, 06:32 AM
I would think world wide as I dont think IDIOTS are exclusive to Australa

Correct, we have more than our fair share.

9th April 2013, 11:15 PM
i cant believe people are still using the ball for recovery. recovery points are a must

13th April 2013, 04:16 PM
I can't believe I was watching Top Gear the other night on their African Adventure to find the source of the Nile. They floated the cars across a river on something their production people had built for them as these guys no doub't couldn't work that sort of stuff out themselves. The first two cars they manually pulled across the river with their bare hands, but the third car they threw the haul rope around the tow ball of the BMW and the car dragged the pontoon with vehicle and two persons on top across the river.

Admittedly there probably wasn't a hell of a lot of weight on the ball and there was no sudden shock like when snatching, BUT the fact of the matter is these guys are beaming their show around the world for all to see. Many will think if it is OK for Top Gear, then it is OK for them as well. Definately not impressed with their lack of professionalism with this shoot, especially given the fact the front end of the car had a purpose made strap and tow shckle attached to it. All they needed to do was turn the car around and hook it up!

My rant is over, but it goes to show there are stupid people everywhere around us.


13th April 2013, 04:18 PM
Top Gear is all show and wank!

19th June 2013, 01:15 AM
i think idiots exist.

i am the sasquatch.

19th June 2013, 01:18 PM
Never watched top gear going from the ads the three guys on the show sould just anoy me into throwing something through the tv

Sent from my LG-P500 using Motorculture mobile app

19th June 2013, 01:21 PM
It's just entertainment?? When I was young I loved Chips and Starsky and Hutch and all that stuff and thought it was awesome!!! hate to think nowadays ?

Safari Njema
5th August 2013, 01:20 AM
I had no idea of the dangers of recovery using Towballs ! Now I know . Thanks for the useful info.

6th August 2013, 01:30 AM
I had no idea of the dangers of recovery using Towballs ! Now I know . Thanks for the useful info.

Thanks mate, please pass it on to everyone you know, all of the members here are trying to get the word around.

7th August 2013, 01:38 PM
Appears its not just towballs that can be dangerous this was sent to me on facebook last night bullbar ripped from the car during a snatch

7th August 2013, 01:44 PM
Appears its not just towballs that can be dangerous this was sent to me on facebook last night bullbar ripped from the car during a snatch

Winnie posted that pic somewhere around here the other day. Id love to see how fast the "snatcher" was going

7th August 2013, 01:57 PM
From what I've been told snatch was done from a recovery point on the bar not the chassis

Sent from my LG-P500 using Motorculture mobile app

7th August 2013, 02:07 PM
Don't forget that rated hooks can break as well. Snatching is for lite recovery only.

7th August 2013, 02:33 PM
Thats true winching probably would of been better in this case just thought would post it as a reminder to what can happen out there

Sent from my LG-P500 using Motorculture mobile app

7th August 2013, 03:39 PM
You would be surprised what some people have holding their Bullbars on, I've even seen coach bolts on some of the older 4x4s.
Any bolt used on a 4x4 because of the elements its subjected to should only be Zinc plated and minimum grade 8,
if you can source a higher grade better still, Even towbar bolts IMO should be inspected and changed,
how many times have you been bogged, butt down in a bog hole. When cleaning be sure you can get in all the nooks and crannies.
and as per another thread fish oil as best you can, that's my 2cW

29th September 2013, 11:04 PM
Don't forget that rated hooks can break as well. Snatching is for lite recovery only.

I have seen some gnarly snatches, the forces associated with a 2500kg vehicle travelling at 10-15km/h and a stationary bogged 2500kg vehicle are phenomenal!
The things we do!

6th October 2013, 11:53 PM
I'd like to thank everyone on this thread for your experience and care. I've been on this forum for a couple of hrs and have already learnt so much. Again thank you all

7th October 2013, 08:21 AM
I'd like to thank everyone on this thread for your experience and care. I've been on this forum for a couple of hrs and have already learnt so much. Again thank you all

Mate I try to inform as many people possible and even the girls at my local Bunnings now know!!!!

7th October 2013, 08:29 AM
There was a 4x4 show on over the weekend on free to air, It was mainly UK 4x4s they used to towball
a lot to get there 4x4s around a corner in the mud. accident waiting to happen,
ever those meteorite hunters used the towball up in the NT to get a Tojo out of the goop.
No idea how old either shows were.

29th October 2013, 08:56 PM
Pretty sure this pic has been on before but my wife found this on FaceAche and forwarded the pic to me.


30th October 2013, 06:45 AM
Yeah that has popped up here before but a good bump to the thread to remind new and old members what happens

30th October 2013, 07:28 AM
Good bump Mego this thread should be permanently at the top of page one.
How many have joined and missed this important thread.
This is number one topic on this Forum and should remain so, not hidden a few rows back

30th October 2013, 07:56 AM
What's scary is the number of people who say "woops" or "hahahha" or "I done that" when those pics get posted.
It shows how much education is still needed to show people the right and proper way to conduct themselves and their recoveries off road.
They're probably the same people who complain to 4wd Action about why should they pay money join a club or association to train to go wheeling......
What they don't understand is it's to keep the rest of us safe from morons.

2nd November 2013, 09:19 PM
Mid last month on a club trip in the wombat, we came across a couple of 4wds where one of the drivers was very lucky to be alive.

Yeap, tow ball recovery,

The ball came though the back window, and just clipped him on the way though.

He was hurt but survived - we had to get an ambulance in for him.

3rd November 2013, 12:12 AM
we had to get an ambulance in for him.

And an emergency dry cleaner too I suspect!

12th November 2013, 07:21 PM
Glad people keep coming back to this thread unfortunately seems there's still to many people out there doing the wrong thing I induct this stuff to new employees at my work and yet the message doesn't get through I keep catching them doing the wrong thing last time I caught 2 of them they were trying to drag a car out of a ditch with that cheap $10.00 rope from Bunning's they were actually using it as a snatch strap when asked why they weren't using the snatch strap response was takes to long to get out and set up (there stored under the seat) at least ive had a win at work its now instant dismissal if a tow balls used for anything other than towing

15th November 2013, 11:59 AM
Seems like it would be something easily overlooked.
Im sure alot of people look at it and thing "Oh looks strong enough" ....

28th November 2013, 10:10 PM
Is it safe to use the hitch with tow ball removed and appropriate rated shackle?

28th November 2013, 10:43 PM
Is it safe to use the hitch with tow ball removed and appropriate rated shackle?

Yes certainly. for that matter you could remove the hitch too and just stick your snatch strap into the receiver and place the pin through the loop of the snatch.

29th November 2013, 05:54 AM
Yea most use a tongue which replaces the ball hitch and has a hole in the end for a 16mm bow shackle.
But as MR said you can always just insert the strap into the receiver and pin it.

2nd December 2013, 09:37 PM
Pin in the receiver is the simplest safe way IMO, the recovery hitches are good if you recover a lot. For me, I try to not need recovery so am happy to use the pin on the odd occasion it's needed.

3rd December 2013, 09:01 AM
Talking about that I was down at Preston beach on Sunday and saw a landrover bogged to the axles and his mate was getting ready to snatch him out using the tow balls on both cars. I went over to them and informed them that using towballs is not safe and showed them how to safely snatch a car out using the tow hitch pin. They were new to 4wding and did not know hopefully they won't make the same mistake again

3rd December 2013, 04:24 PM
Talking about that I was down at Preston beach on Sunday and saw a landrover bogged to the axles and his mate was getting ready to snatch him out using the tow balls on both cars. I went over to them and informed them that using towballs is not safe and showed them how to safely snatch a car out using the tow hitch pin. They were new to 4wding and did not know hopefully they won't make the same mistake again

Good job mate:-)

3rd December 2013, 04:37 PM
That's it mate education! You can stand back a say what a bunch of w#$kers, but if they don't know they need to be told, well done.

3rd December 2013, 04:44 PM
good stuff im still finding people out there are unbelievable I once helped a couple of guys out who were about to do a snatch off the towball stoped and gave em a hand while explaining the dos and don'ts about recovery anyway ran into them again later in the day and guess what snatch straight over the towball

3rd December 2013, 07:32 PM
good stuff im still finding people out there are unbelievable I once helped a couple of guys out who were about to do a snatch off the towball stoped and gave em a hand while explaining the dos and don'ts about recovery anyway ran into them again later in the day and guess what snatch straight over the towball

Well its simple then... darwinism should come into play soon and you dont want to be near them.. Explain it once and how you are not telling just to make yourself look the know it all but for there own safety, if they take heed then good on them and well done but if they dont then...GET STUFFED!!!!!!!

3rd December 2013, 08:19 PM
Would it be ok to just put a D - shackle and snatch off it?

3rd December 2013, 08:28 PM
Would it be ok to just put a D - shackle and snatch off it?

No mate not at all. That is a factory tie down point only and is designed to be used during shipping from Japan and if your car ever needs to go on a flat bead (touch wood)

Under No Circumstances should you every use it in any form of recovery.

Stay safe and thanks for asking.

3rd December 2013, 08:28 PM
Would it be ok to just put a D - shackle and snatch off it?

Nah mate, that's just a tie down point used during shipping I believe.

3rd December 2013, 08:32 PM
No mate not at all. That is a factory tie down point only and is designed to be used during shipping from Japan and if your car ever needs to go on a flat bead (touch wood)

Under No Circumstances should you every use it in any form of recovery.

Stay safe and thanks for asking.

Ok thanks I didnt think so but saw someon with shackles on so thought I would ask. Also is this a factory recovery point from the looks?

3rd December 2013, 08:35 PM
Ok thanks I didnt think so but saw someon with shackles on so thought I would ask. Also is this a factory recovery point from the looks?

Cheers mate,

Ys that is a pic of a Factory Nissan Recovery point. I use this on the front of my GUIV without hesitation. I have read stories though of them straightening out but am yet to see a photo of one that this has happened to and am not sure if its a wives tail or not mate. I use it.

Note*** I also try my best Not to get Stuck. When I do I consider the Maths before attempting any recovery.

3rd December 2013, 08:56 PM
Cheers mate,

Note*** I also try my best Not to get Stuck. When I do I consider the Maths before attempting any recovery.

Yeah thats why im asking I have never had to be recovered from the front cause im always the first one in haha

3rd December 2013, 09:01 PM
Yeah thats why im asking I have never had to be recovered from the front cause im always the first one in haha

sometimes you cant get in front of the bogged vehicle and you cant turn around so you have to do a reverse snatch. Ugly but sometimes necessary

4th December 2013, 09:29 PM
Well its simple then... darwinism should come into play soon and you dont want to be near them.. Explain it once and how you are not telling just to make yourself look the know it all but for there own safety, if they take heed then good on them and well done but if they dont then...GET STUFFED!!!!!!!

Agree with you but its still bloody hard to turn away cause that thought goes through ya head what if I read about one of these guys getting belted in the head by a the ball in the morning paper

5th December 2013, 08:55 AM
37654 here is a pic I found a while ago, make what you want of it, I have posted it before. I believe the front hook is fine for recovery but like everything there are rules and it seems no side loading at all which is always hard to achieve when doing a recovery.... For what outback ideas charges and considering the quality of his recovery points they are almost a no brainer....
His points are brilliant...


5th December 2013, 12:14 PM
37654 here is a pic I found a while ago, make what you want of it, I have posted it before. I believe the front hook is fine for recovery but like everything there are rules and it seems no side loading at all which is always hard to achieve when doing a recovery.... For what outback ideas charges and considering the quality of his recovery points they are almost a no brainer....
His points are brilliant...


Thanks Scotty,

I Note that they specifically state towing from Sand, Mud and Snow which i would consider for Snatch type recoveries so all is good. The reason they say not to undertake general Towing from this point is that the "Tow strap" can come off the hook as it is not a closed hook and can be dangerous.

I note that there is a hole other debate about the suitability of the Nissan Recovery points and i certainly use an Outback Ideas rear recover tow hitch on both cars that has seen a heap of work.

5th December 2013, 12:38 PM
You ever removed the rear oem loop and seen how its held together? I was quite shocked to say the least.

5th December 2013, 01:05 PM
Just to touch on the rear loop I know they weren't allowed on vic comp trucks
as is but I believe they could be used if they were welded on the other side.
But again no idea what swl or wwl you would achieve, similar with the front hook
some clubs allow them others don't, they do break and straighten but not as often as ppl think.
Like ALL recovery items they need to be checked and replaced if they look IFFY, this includes shackles , hooks ,
snatch blocks. Best thing would be do a recovery course so you can pass on good information to others who
may be "green" when it comes to this. We all have to learn at some stage and continue to learn, so stay safe
only one person directing the recovery ,please

5th December 2013, 01:06 PM
You ever removed the rear oem loop and seen how its held together? I was quite shocked to say the least.

Yes looks can be deceiving, the reality is that if you did manage to damage a factory point you are doing your recoveries wrong! You might have also damaged the chassis as well.

5th December 2013, 01:33 PM
You ever removed the rear oem loop and seen how its held together? I was quite shocked to say the least.

Yes looks can be deceiving, the reality is that if you did manage to damage a factory point you are doing your recoveries wrong! You might have also damaged the chassis as well.

Yeah my GQ was well held on and I incorporated those points into my rear bar when I made it.

I was shocked though when we pulled Healy's hook off to find it was held on by very little and the bolts certainly needed replacing. I note now though that we also saw that his rear brake line was fully rusted and as it turns out his Chassis rear end had Catestrophic rust that deemed the car a total loss. Disappointing. I wonder then if his fixings were not representative of most? My GQ certainly was well fixed. There is a cross brace from that fixing going above the fuel tanks diagonally to the chassis rails on both sides.

5th December 2013, 01:35 PM
@ Kind is that a rear tie down point?. Best place to recover from the rear is any central point .
Most 4x4 have a class 2 tow hitch receiver and retrieving from a central position is ideal. As someone stated earlier
if you're straightening OE hooks you are doing it all wrong

5th December 2013, 03:52 PM
In my job I would probably use my front recovery point on average over a week about 8-10 times to drag trees out of irrigation channels and around 4 snatches a week recovering work cars while I prefer to use the tow hitch where possible unfortunately there are places where I just cant do that if you take the time to assess the risks involved in every recovery then the front hook should be fine ive now had my patrol work ute for 5yrs and it has just about had everything thrown at it and dragged or snatched everything from trees to 4wds even tractors n trucks and the hook is still as strong as the day I got it

9th December 2013, 08:24 PM
Hey Tas great job new sticker looks great
Thanks Mate

9th December 2013, 08:27 PM
Good stuff mate. It fits nicely


21st December 2013, 02:55 PM
Bloody toyota drivers

8th January 2014, 02:33 PM
I know of two incidents in QLD where ppl have been killed. PROMOTE THE MESSAGE!!

18th January 2014, 01:17 AM
Bloody toyota drivers

OMG here in CR people already knows doing this is dangerous; but anyone i know have even see that happening.

Can I use te pic to show on a local (Costa Rican ) forum ?

18th January 2014, 01:37 AM
OMG here in CR people already knows doing this is dangerous; but anyone i know have even see that happening.

Can I use te pic to show on a local (Costa Rican ) forum ?

Absolutely, spread the word. Send the message Global.

18th January 2014, 02:31 PM
U was riding around in some fire trails today. Come across a couple of guys trying to snatch a hung up hilux out of the ruts.

Both cars has the strap over the towball. I told them it was a no go, and showed them to pull out the hitch and use the pin. (They had no recovery points.) they listened cause on my way baxk out the triton was hung up in a different set of ruts!


18th January 2014, 02:39 PM
Potentially saved a life or 2 there mate. Well done.

22nd January 2014, 09:28 AM
Wow I didn't realise this could happen ... Won't be doing that again !!! Thank you

22nd January 2014, 09:32 AM
Taslucas does sticker sets for a good price so hit him up for a package and spread the word.

29th January 2014, 09:36 PM
This memorial is at the sight that a young man was killed by a tow ball snatch attempt.

Makes it very real and hits home when you drive past it.

http://i279.photobucket.com/albums/kk121/Bendero7/IMAG2701_zps6f956e88.jpg (http://s279.photobucket.com/user/Bendero7/media/IMAG2701_zps6f956e88.jpg.html)

dads tractor
1st February 2014, 02:19 PM
Yes or No I had a proper shackle receiver for my towbar so out of neccitity I used the receiver with a 5 t shackle where the tow ball fits in the tongue good or bad ?

1st February 2014, 05:32 PM
That's fine you are using a designated tow jig via your tow bar

dads tractor
2nd February 2014, 07:47 PM
think and think again


30th March 2014, 10:05 PM
Hi everyone. Thanks for this discussion. I have been out with a friend who I thought was experienced. He suggested connecting my snatch strap to my towball to pull him out of the mud. I actually bent the tow bar while doing this. I wont be doing it again and thank God no one was killed.


30th March 2014, 10:38 PM
Mate glad no one got hurt and a valuble lesson learnt

my third 256
31st March 2014, 06:57 AM
there is still idiots out there
last week at daughters sportsday at a local oval the barbeque truck got bogged weighs 8 ton on the oval right above a sprincler
yep down she went well at the end of the day the tarmac 4x4 yodas tried to pull him out using you guessed it the snatch strap over the tow ball
plenty of kids around the truck to helping push
my mate and i couldnt get over there quick enough with his gu patrol
he has a winch and after informing the yoda driver of the danger reply was do it all the time
just shows what idiots are about
we wound out winch connected to recovery point and pulled him out no effort at all
thanked by truck driver and he also said he kner about tow ball accidents but wanted to get towed out for free
and not to have to pay for a tow truck
mate then said well my fee is $50.00 and he payed up and left quickly
mate donated the money back to the school