View Full Version : Help Nissan Patrol without power

30th April 2012, 09:39 AM
Hi, I have a nissan patrol 2000 with a 6 cylinder engine TB45, and it has little power at any cost, into first, and tires, the driver driving alone, and apart from that, I is spending a lot of gasoline, I checked filters, fuel and air, spark plug wires and fuel pump ect .. I need a little help please .. thanks

ps: sorry my English is bad or little

30th April 2012, 09:43 AM
Blocked catalytic converter? How does it idle etc? Any smoke when you apply power? If so, what colour?

Not sure if the TB45's have a limp mode, but assume they do. Have you got the ability to get someone to put an ECU consult unit onto it to see if it has any ECU error codes??

1st May 2012, 04:51 AM
This when you are working and need power, no smokes, of any color, supposedly this nbien catalytic, but progress is slow., That's the problem, here in Dominican Republic I could consequir anyone who has that type of cable to connect and check the ecu., anyway, I'm thinking of buying one I saw on amazon, but that would take me approx. 1 month to have it in hand. hopefully someone can help me in the meantime.

1st May 2012, 05:08 AM
Blocked catalytic converter? How does it idle etc? Any smoke when you apply power? If so, what colour?

Not sure if the TB45's have a limp mode, but assume they do. Have you got the ability to get someone to put an ECU consult unit onto it to see if it has any ECU error codes??

Bigrid, excuse me that I posted again, I ask you a question, someone tells me there engines depending on their operation works and sometimes 6-cylinder 4-cylinder fuel economic, the question is the possibility that the patrol has this system, and this failing and only quisas is running in 4 cylinder., although I do not feel the engine failure or limping., which is strange., you tell me that.

1st May 2012, 08:52 AM
I know the new ones have that fuel saving technology, but wasn't aware the 2000 model ever had it (certainly not in Australia anyway).

1st May 2012, 01:33 PM
I know the new ones have that fuel saving technology, but wasn't aware the 2000 model ever had it (certainly not in Australia anyway).

Thanks for the info, meanwhile I will see where I get the manual for my motor patrol and TB45, and see How it works and see if I can solve the problems, this is giving me 12km per gallon of gasoline in road , and the city of 8km to 10km that is very little, I do not want to be in it ...

1st May 2012, 01:37 PM
Thanks for the info, meanwhile I will see where I get the manual for my motor patrol and TB45, and see How it works and see if I can solve the problems, this is giving me 12km per gallon of gasoline in road , and the city of 8km to 10km that is very little, I do not want to be in it ...

Welcome a few people to the site, have a bit of banter around some of the topics mate, and in 13 more posts, you can download the manual from here ...

1st May 2012, 02:14 PM
Welcome a few people to the site, have a bit of banter around some of the topics mate, and in 13 more posts, you can download the manual from here ...

where I can consequir the manual, I have more than 6 months looking for it and can not find on any website or forum

24th May 2012, 12:48 AM
hello friends, while this testing and trying to solve my problem of patrol, be posting so help me .... then I tell him this last weekend

grounds for election to choose our new president of the republic, I live in Santiago, but vote in a municipality called sanchez, belonging to the province of Samana, about 170km distance, and I moved the weekend, and after changing the spark plugs, check that the compression of each cylinder is within the parameters of the manual ect. and this I consumed approx, 15 gallons of fuel in highway driving no faster than 90km / h, ie 11.33km per gallon, after reviewing the cables, everything is fine., is that on Saturday when I get home, I I make comments to my father, and his knowledge as electromechanical engineer and software we are dedicated to killing time as they say, realizing you each failure to the computer of the car, and it turns out to patrol on, I have disconnected the maf is the sensor is in the air filter, then surprise friends .. in software is that the degrees of change sparks are more smooth and stable changes, as when the sensor is connected, is very unstable changes in degrees of sparks and vary a lot ...

came good on Sunday, probe and wiring resistance and all good, all as the manual commands, check each end into the computer with the manual, and all sensors work with the correct parameters .. but after that I decided to go to vote, and as he returned to Santiago that same Sunday, fill the LPG tank, and decided to return to Santiago before that rendered the winner of the next president of the republic .. but with this sensor off ( in gasoline and offline is not strong, but normal gas engine works best)., the case is to return to Santiago about 100 to 120km / h, really weird thing that I like to run both, but felt my patrol with the power and as we gave the Dominicans and forth until the piston vote .. haha, it turns out that to get here, a full tank of LPG, and surprise .. I spend way back in 8.4 gallons, which means that I got 20.23 km per gallon at a rate of 100 to 120 on occasion in the highway .. (I laugh just incredible jajaj) .. do not drown at all ect., the only problem now is that if you run out of LPG, will have to stop and connect the sensor to operate on gasoline .. Now come my questions ... and questions ..

the sensor has the correct ohm according to the manual
send the correct voltage to operate .....
what would be the problem then ....?
be the sensor ...?
when the computer will have that sensor becomes like crazy, and I forward the spark when I need power ..?
what could that sensor consequir here ..?
believe you.?

24th May 2012, 09:03 PM
Get yourself a can of MAF sensor cleaner(aerosol) follow directions on the can .

25th May 2012, 10:41 AM
Make sure that you disconnect the Battery for a couple of Hours to reset the ECU after cleaning the MAF Sensor.
It would probably work with 1/2 an Hour but I always disconnect for 2 Hours

13th January 2013, 11:22 AM
Make sure that you disconnect the Battery for a couple of Hours to reset the ECU after cleaning the MAF Sensor.
It would probably work with 1/2 an Hour but I always disconnect for 2 Hours

Hi all after about 6 months and use my patrol grx a TB45 engine, consuming a lot of fuel, this day I have become mechanical and using the workshop manual patrol, I checked all sensor and power lines, and apparently some mechanical sensors that I said they were bad, it turns out good stab.,

I found that the air sensor was not getting the battery neutral, because I did that job, finally, after trying each of the sensors and make sure everything was fine turn on the patrol connect the computer to scan and nissan ecutalk see that all the sensors are working perfect.
Any information I will report next week
but watch the timing of the sparks in the computer and move it occurs to me to advance the spark a bit and see how my engine .. surprise

My motor is no longer drowning, has more power, its normal temperature, I'm very happy., Apparently what was causing sparks drowning was a little late ..

This week I will be testing and observe the fuel to see if I spend less

13th January 2013, 09:29 PM
this is giving me 12km per gallon of gasoline in road , and the city of 8km to 10km that is very little, I do not want to be in it ...
12K to the gallon, hmmm 4.5 L to the gal = under 3K to the Litre ....
It should get better than that ,but it wont be much maybe a litre or two,i get between 4-5k to the litre in the 4.2 petrol GQ and the TB45s get worse than that,so your not really far off the average for these juice guzzlers
Why no power, well when was it serviced last ,many seem to overlook the basics, plugs,leads,filters ect
But IF your floggin it in a month or so, dont spend much on it

13th January 2013, 10:45 PM
12K to the gallon, hmmm 4.5 L to the gal = under 3K to the Litre ....
It should get better than that ,but it wont be much maybe a litre or two,i get between 4-5k to the litre in the 4.2 petrol GQ and the TB45s get worse than that,so your not really far off the average for these juice guzzlers
Why no power, well when was it serviced last ,many seem to overlook the basics, plugs,leads,filters ect
But IF your floggin it in a month or so, dont spend much on it

I'm pretty sure they run on US gallon 3.7L there abouts

14th January 2013, 09:03 AM
I'm pretty sure they run on US gallon 3.7L there abouts
Well ,3.7 L to 12 ks is around 4K to the Litre,or there abouts, i wouldnt think a TB45 standard wouldnt be far of that
They are dearer to run than a TB42, so sounds close enuf give or take

14th January 2013, 09:57 AM
12K to the gallon, hmmm 4.5 L to the gal = under 3K to the Litre ....
It should get better than that ,but it wont be much maybe a litre or two,i get between 4-5k to the litre in the 4.2 petrol GQ and the TB45s get worse than that,so your not really far off the average for these juice guzzlers
Why no power, well when was it serviced last ,many seem to overlook the basics, plugs,leads,filters ect
But IF your floggin it in a month or so, dont spend much on it

Before I did my TB45 22km per gallon, that is approx. 3.78 lt / 22 km, which is not bad, but a few years now, I just run 3.78lt / 12 km, now I am testing to see how spent fuel

16th January 2013, 03:57 PM
hi friends I have something to tell you, they will say that everything has happened, but I think the hope is the last thing to go in life., After a few months (almost years) buy cables, ect. ect ... and part of it's my ignorance vehicle technology, and after searching the Internet for information and make sure everything, and after finding the manual for my patrol .. I tell my experience.

1st - buy the cable to ODBII would never work in my patrol, it turns out that even the patrol is year 2000, has installed the old system, which does not work with ODBII calbes by consiquiente the solution was to buy another cable .

2nd-Buy nissan scan the cable, but really did not find any program or software which read me and give me all the information about my patrol ... after a while, I found a program that is under development, but quite interesting which I could see and read the ecu errors of my Nissan Patrol.

3rd-valve that which you talk a lot, this is the aac valve valve, which is responsible for accelerating the engine when it enters the compressor, and when cold, this after seeing it in the manual, the disarmament and was causeway coal and oil product produced by the admission of the engine, clean and juaaala .. and accelerates when cold, and when it enters the compressor motor accelerates up to compensate a ..

But that's not all the story still continues ..

After a few days this Christmas and half occupied, decided the day yesterday which had nothing to do, in my garage as a workshop grab, grab the computer manufacturer's manual for the Nissan Patrol TB45 engine with which it consequi (Quite Pass Working consequirlo) and get to check each sensor and power line and computer engine, ensuring that all work as stated in the manufacturer's manual.

starting with spark, knock sensor, timing, more air, aac valve, in order, each sensor system and that had to do with the engine and transmission, which either electric cables, sensors well exept that I realize there my patrol has no oxygen sensor, (Apparently the previous owner take it off), the more Air sensor, there was never the negative battery which to not work well and the temperature sensor from the computer connector was not to bad and good contact, clean and tighten touch to operate.

After correcting those details and make sure everything came right to the computer, I decide to check the software and connect the cable nissan scan my computer and all sensors worked well, and read the error and all being well, I give a happy return to patrol, but bad news .. My continuous patrol drowning.

Beginning and call my father who is an engineer in power plants, with considerable experience in plant 800kw motors ect .. I said I'm coming over to help.

After analyzing and giving back with the other, and see how it works on the computer tells me., look so good, but I find that the timing or rather, the change is very little spark, go home and let to advance the spark.

got home, cojemos a bucket half going to the top of the spark flojamos distribution, move and advance a little spark, and we went for a walk ..

***Surprise.!! .. my I saw the last teeth in my mouth (jajaajaj) my patrol shift at an incredible rate. .

Just toparle throttle, brushing out and leaving the marks of the tires on the street, and suddenly accelerates undes you in your seat, feel the power, when you try to overtake a car and step on the accelerator, hoarse as a SUV that must be respected, and besides that shoots .. incredible. no longer drowns

After so many years and so many mechanical and tell me that the jeep had bad sensors, I had a few things, I do not even charged., Changing air filters, spark plugs, spark plug wires, timing cover, fuel filter, and Suddenly everything was on the basis of sparks ..

Everything is working well on both petrol and LPG Gas, amazing, after that, my father had to shut some gas inlet, as that was flooded, the adjusted and ready, serenita low, and high, runs like crazy ..

This week will test consumption, which I imagine will be less in LPG gas fuel is more we use it, and we had to close over the gas inlet to the engine, that will economisar fuel (at least I hope), and Now, I have to accelerate less for her run, excellent.

I wanted to share with my experience as many of you have been concerned that I may fix the problem, and in turn, can be found another companion patrolero this happening to you also the same, and this can help .. and for that matter the forum, and help us tell our experiences.

In the next week I will write to inform them if there was fuel economy or not (I think so)

Also I have to tell any question about any type of patrol, I have the manufacturers manuals, any model, I can ask any questions or contact me via email deleonmaximo@gmail.com, which I can find any information and I will gladly help, and if anyone needs any additional information that I have done as I write here or by mail.

Thank you all for helping me ....

16th January 2013, 04:07 PM
glad to see you got it sorted and are happy with the way your 4by is performing now maximo

17th January 2013, 07:04 AM
glad to see you got it sorted and are happy with the way your 4by is performing now maximo

Thank 93 patrol