View Full Version : standard 3l GU patrol with 2.75inch exhaust system

22nd April 2012, 05:23 PM
Gday, Has anyone put a 2.75 inch exhaust system on a standard 3l gu engine and noticed a difference and is it really worth its while on the power and fuel.
thanks craigv

22nd April 2012, 05:30 PM
I put a 3" on mine, definitely noticeable power increase.
I put a chip in about a week later so can't really comment on fuel economy difference.

25th April 2012, 07:45 PM
hi there i am having a 2.75 inch system installed on mon more so to keep EGTs down as i will be getting a chip at the same time. will post how it goes

25th April 2012, 09:08 PM
Put one on my old 2007 CRD as well as a DP Chip and made a big difference, do not remember the fuel consumption as I really did worry about that stuff.

14th May 2012, 01:54 PM
Thanks fishsurf, would realy be interested to hear how you go.

14th May 2012, 02:33 PM
Just installed one, dont have EGT hooked up yet so don't know temperature results, but boost has increased 16psi upto 21psi during cruising) and spooling time is alot quicker. Small power increase. Havent had a chance to compare fuel consumption.
Would like to compare to 3".
Cheers :)