View Full Version : How do you keep an eye on threads you post and replie to

18th April 2012, 07:49 PM
Hi All
Sorry for the silly question but i am an over 40 tradie with little to none computer experiance. Most of what ive lernt is self taught.

Any ways on a watersking forum that i am a member of if you see an interesting post you would like to follow you can clik on the text "watch this post" and ever time some one adds to that post i get notified by e-mail. The same all appiles if you start a post and some one replies.

The reason i ask is that i offered a member on this site more info on some mods and just left it at that. I was surfing through the "new post" section and came accross the post that i had commented on. I clicked on and found that the member had requested more info. (i have since replied)

Any help would be grate as i find this site great for sharing info


18th April 2012, 07:51 PM
jusk click on thread tools and subscribe to it mate

18th April 2012, 07:58 PM
Thanks mate

18th April 2012, 07:59 PM
Hi All
Sorry for the silly question but i am an over 40 tradie with little to none computer experiance. Most of what ive lernt is self taught.

Any ways on a watersking forum that i am a member of if you see an interesting post you would like to follow you can clik on the text "watch this post" and ever time some one adds to that post i get notified by e-mail. The same all appiles if you start a post and some one replies.

The reason i ask is that i offered a member on this site more info on some mods and just left it at that. I was surfing through the "new post" section and came accross the post that i had commented on. I clicked on and found that the member had requested more info. (i have since replied)

Any help would be grate as i find this site great for sharing info


Same same mate learnt all my skills here hahahaha
OK as one compooter dummie to another lets see hyow this goes. hahahaha
1) If you hover over the box that looks like an envelope either red or blue it will tell you if you have posted there. If its red i think its unread by you if its bold you have posted there and now someone else has.
2) Above the first post on each page there is a bar in RED that has some options thyere. HOME, FORUM, VIDS, WHATS NEW and when you hit whats new any threads that peeps (compooter talk for people) have posted in or that you havent read will come up. Then when your there if you think theres no posts that youve read or dont wanna read click mark forums as read and they will all go away. Then if you click whats new either a note will come up and say no new threads or there will be threads. Clear as mud ay. Someone may ecxplain clearer but thats how i get around

18th April 2012, 08:06 PM
There is a few ways of telling, but I find subscribing to a thread the easiest and quickest way of knowing if someone has replied to a thread I have posted in,

When replying to a thread, click on "Go Advanced"

Type your reply,

Underneath your reply will be a section called "Additional Options"

Where it says Subscription tick the "Subscribe to this thead and notify me of changes" I always select "Instantly using Email"

This will send you an email, even if not logged into the forum, when someone has replied to the thread you have posted in.

If you need some screen shots on how to subscribe, let me know and I will post it up for you.



18th April 2012, 08:08 PM
If you need some screen shots on how to subscribe, let me know and I will post it up for you.

When replying to a thread, click on "Go Advanced"

Type your reply,

Underneath your reply will be a section called "Additional Options"

Where it says Subscription tick the "Subscribe to this thead and notify me of changes" I always select "Instantly using Email"

This will send you an email, even if not logged into the forum, when someone has replied to the thread you have posted in.



That sounds easy might give it ago myselfg;-)