View Full Version : Diff Gasket. Will liquid sealant/gasket do?

17th April 2012, 02:03 PM
Hey Guys,

I am about to put the diff center back into my diff (After installing a lokka) and I can't get hold of a new gasket (The old one is buggered).

Is it ok to just use a liquid sealant/gasket?, or will this put something I'm not thinking of out of whack?


17th April 2012, 02:13 PM
toyota dealership used it on my diff (not that that means anything) after i shatterd the crown wheel so cant see why not just rember to put it on tighten let dry and retighten to spec

17th April 2012, 03:10 PM
Should be right. Can you get a hold of any gasket paper and make one yourself? Just use a silicone that doesnt adhere bluemaxx will do the job just make sure both surfaces are absolutely clean and free of oil.

17th April 2012, 04:08 PM
Here you go mate $18 to your door


18th April 2012, 12:33 AM
Thanks lads,

Sorry about the late reply, but I found one at the last minute and got the lokka installed.
I have spent all evening tearing up any mound or molehill in the neighborhood.....lol

It is freakin brilliant for the deniro's, I got it second hand (Though unused, still in the box) off gumtree for $200.

It took me a few night's to get it in, triple checking my work as I went, but now I think I could knock one out in a quarter of the time.

There is another on gumtree if anyone else is keen!!

18th April 2012, 12:35 AM
They're bloody great ay!! Best bang for buck in the grab for traction I reckon

Tappin N Crappin

18th April 2012, 12:53 AM
lets us know how you find your steering im contemplateing gettin one as i cant justify the cost of some of the other units just depends if i could put up with the limmited turning circle in 4wd

18th April 2012, 01:04 AM
Will do,

I'll give it a few days of fun and then report back.

18th April 2012, 12:13 PM
Good to hear everything worked out for you. No dramas with the centre you got then?

18th April 2012, 12:53 PM
Good to hear everything worked out for you. No dramas with the centre you got then?

I managed to find a 4.1 center with the right spline count, it seems to be in good condition, no whine's or funny noises.
Cheers for the help with that.