View Full Version : Expression of interest - Forum Emergency Contacts section

16th April 2012, 06:53 PM
There has been some chats here (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?9975-Forum-Emergency-Contacts&highlight=emergency+contacts) about having a map or a section within the forum only available for Forum Sponsors for an emergency contact within a certain km radius of the willing member.

This is just in case a forum sponsor is in trouble whilst out and about and needs help (bogged, broken down, angry wife, etc).

They can check this section to see if a member can offer help only within their chosen region of course.

I understand that some people may think this to be an invasion of privacy and doesn't want phone calls at 3am from a drunken member stuck in woop woop but if this did go ahead I can assure you that only "Forum Sponsors" would have access to the details and would hope that all forum sponsors would be responsible enough to only call at normal hours and as a last resort unless it was a serious emergency.

I thought I would throw this up to vote above and let us know if you would be willing to put your phone number up and your area?

Please vote above and lets see how many members would be keen after a week or two...

If anyone has concerns or sees problems with this then feel free to respond below...

16th April 2012, 07:15 PM
Yeah I reckon it's a great idea Andy. I will vote when I get back to the lapo. I've even got a tractor for the properly bogged! Lol

tappin it

16th April 2012, 07:25 PM
More then happy to help out when needed...just hope it's a sober day..LOLOLOL

16th April 2012, 07:57 PM
Happy to help as well, will vote when i get to work and not on the mobile. Will send some coin across as soon as i get a chance AB.

16th April 2012, 08:20 PM
Not only will we get a chance to help a fellow member, we will be able to put the embarrassing photos on the forum!! Lol

tappin it

16th April 2012, 08:29 PM
If this goes ahead maybe put next to the name and number, any stipulations

Like no phones calls after a certain time....etc

I really don't think regular forum members will abuse this though

16th April 2012, 09:59 PM
If this goes ahead maybe put next to the name and number, any stipulations

Like no phones calls after a certain time....etc

I really don't think regular forum members will abuse this though

good point maybe sms first with name, location etc and await a response

17th April 2012, 01:02 AM
I am up for it willing to go out any time day or nite Evan a few hours away if no one else was around

4th March 2013, 12:59 AM
I am up for it willing to go out any time day or nite Evan a few hours away if no one else was around

Plus me, I'm willing to lend tools, knowledge or whatever's needed.