View Full Version : Warning. 4.2 GU For Sale

15th April 2012, 12:53 PM
Came across these details on another site this morning. In the Sydney Sunday Telegraph today apparently. Sold at auction in February with over 249,000k. Now has only 98000k. How do they get away with it?




Just thought I'd bring your attention to it to stop anyone here being taken in. Also, I guess, to show just how careful you've got to be.

15th April 2012, 01:06 PM
Besides the Km being changed dramatically!!.. Its sill a bloody good buy LOL
I wonder how they do it as its all electronic.. Also its got to be newer than 04 as its the newer shape unless that shape came out in 04?

15th April 2012, 01:20 PM
New a dodgy dude many moons ago that would get a dash from the wreckers with lower mileage as in the VK calais type. Spose the electronics these days someone with a knowledge of auto computers can do anything

15th April 2012, 01:40 PM
Besides the Km being changed dramatically!!.. Its sill a bloody good buy LOL
I wonder how they do it as its all electronic.. Also its got to be newer than 04 as its the newer shape unless that shape came out in 04?

Yeah, good price for sure... 250,000kms is no big deal for these trucks.

I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?rvyqec

15th April 2012, 01:48 PM
You're right, Lewy, about the price. But what worries me is that a person who is prepared to lie and go to such trouble to be deceptive as to change the electronics, as Growlers suggests,would surely have no scruples about any other aspect. It was pointed out on the other forum that the vehicle could conceivably have been sitting in a flood, or indeed have other major issues.
Anyway I guess it's "Buyer Beware" and hopefully none of us will get caught.

15th April 2012, 01:51 PM
You're right, Lewy, about the price. But what worries me is that a person who is prepared to lie and go to such trouble to be deceptive as to change the electronics, as Growlers suggests,would surely have no scruples about any other aspect. It was pointed out on the other forum that the vehicle could conceivably have been sitting in a flood, or indeed have other major issues.
Anyway I guess it's "Buyer Beware" and hopefully none of us will get caught.

Absoluteness!!! I always go by the saying if its to good to be true then it most likely is...

16th April 2012, 12:36 PM
If you Google the number plate, BJK08Q, you will find it listed in a few other places, variously described as 4.8, 4.2 and 4 cylinder. (http://www.carbuddy.com.au/buy/car.aspx?car=2004-NISSAN-PATROL-ST-L-GU-III&adid=677465&pg=11&mk=NISSAN&sort=99&tid=127627936) Also, from the pics it is a GU IV not III, has been registered in Qld before coming to NSW. So if it is a "real" vehicle for sale I'd bet your left one that it has been for a big swim in Qld, probably been written off as a repairable wreck and has now fallen into the hands of someone who is less than ethical. The price is also a good indicator that all is "not right".