View Full Version : Coolant puddle on passanger side floor 2000 GU Ute HELP

13th April 2012, 07:47 PM
i drove today didnt really use the ac had the heaters on for a bit on way to work, went to a different job. no puddle or ac. but as i was leaving i noticed a small puddle of coolant on the floor, didnt think much of it washed it off to see whether it would do it again. sure enough 3 hours later another small puddle. any ideas what it could be? has this happened to anyone else?
please helpp!

the ferret
13th April 2012, 07:51 PM
Mate , have a look at the heater hoses where the go through the firewall, that or you have a leak in the heater itself
Cheers, the ferret.

15th April 2012, 10:31 PM
Dont you just hate that.
had this one in wife's 97 lancer, heater core was stuffed.
$ 300 gen price ,$ 55 aftermarket.
so don't panic.
but as ferret said check hoses.
PS, don't leave this green stuff outside in a bucket overnight, cats absolutely love the stuff and it will kill em dead.
they love smell and taste
well the neighbours one , opppps. so I was told anyway.

16th April 2012, 08:09 PM
cheers guys yeah i found the leaky spot! should have it replaced this weekend! not easy to get to but nothin too major thank god!