View Full Version : wrong place, wrong time?

12th April 2012, 10:14 PM
Had some guy follow me home from work today... reckons that I caused him to have a car accident last Thursday. He claims that I was driving on his side of the road around a blind corner, he swerved to miss me and lost control and hit a guard rail.

Unfortunately for him I have evidence that I was 40kms away from where he says the accident happened. I have an invoice from Repco for new belts for the Patrol and I used my card so it is on my bank statement too. He came across as a really nice guy, but from what I can gather he either has the wrong person, or is just trying to put the blame on someone and claim through their insurance.

If I was in the wrong, I would have no problem at all fixing the damage to his vehicle. I've had an accident on that same road due to no fault of my own. I've gotten legal advice (Mum lol) and have been told not to get upset with him or anything, just politely tell him that I'm sorry but there's nothing that I can do and that he has the wrong person.

12th April 2012, 10:30 PM
That sounds like it was me driving, I often drive on the other side of the road.... for some reason the drive is smoother on the wrong side of the road.....less pot holes for some strange reason.

Did he show you evidence of damage on his car..... sounds like he was trying 2 scam you for some cash....

If it was true, why didn't he report it 2 the police and let them deal with it?

Mate, in a nice way, tell him 2 stick it where the sun don't shine

12th April 2012, 10:34 PM
Well in case it went further then lucky for the receipt and good for you mate for keeping your cool as a lot of people (possibly me) could potentially flip out when someone accuses you of something you didn't do...lol

12th April 2012, 10:37 PM
Trust me, if you knew this road you would NOT drive on the other side, blind corners everywhere and would be a matter of minutes before a big accident happens. To be honest I do cut corners a bit on the ones where you can clearly see ahead... everybody does. To cut a blind corner (like he thinks that I did) is just stupid driving. I know just how dangerous that road in particular is, so I take extra care on it.

He was driving a different car, no damage. All signs point to a scam artist. I hope he isn't though and he just has the wrong person.

12th April 2012, 10:44 PM
I'm gonna go to the police tomorrow too, not to dob him in or anything. Just let them know the situation in case he gets angry that I'm not gonna pay out and decides to get "revenge" somehow.

12th April 2012, 11:04 PM
yeah all sounds a bit dodgy to me mate, get the police involved for your sake.

12th April 2012, 11:08 PM
I'm gonna go to the police tomorrow too, not to dob him in or anything. Just let them know the situation in case he gets angry that I'm not gonna pay out and decides to get "revenge" somehow.

Only one thing to do! Do as the yanks do PRE-EMPTIVE STRIKE BWAHAHAHAHAHa

12th April 2012, 11:13 PM
I dont drive on the wrong side of the road. ......because both sides are mine at some point of the day hahaha

13th April 2012, 08:00 AM
:confused: There's a wrong side of the road???

13th April 2012, 08:57 PM
sounds dodgy t0 me just tell him to go find another scapegoat and id prob not even tell him about the receipt so u can see if he is genuine as you will be then contacted from cops or insurance if he is, and if u don’t he’s a scammer .

13th April 2012, 09:56 PM
Here is what happened today...

He called me at about 4pm and said that he has already spoken to his insurance mob and all I need is his name, address, and rego number. I happily took those details off him. I didn't tell him yesterday that I had an alibi that I was in Traralgon at the time. I asked him to confirm what time the accident was, and sure enough my alibi saved me. Told him that and he got a bit annoyed and sort of implied that I was lying to get out of paying. Told him I didn't appreciate his tone, and that I have evidence that it could not have been me. We hung up and 10 minutes later he is calling me. I could not believe what he told me.

"I spoke to a couple of people and they actually told me that the accident was on Tuesday and not Thursday."

This actually got me really mad. Not a fan of liars and he was really clutching to whatever he could. Told him where he could stick it and hung up. He tried calling a few times again but I ignored the calls. Went to the police after work and explained the situation, copper almost pissed his pants when I said that he forgot what day it was. So now they have all his details, phoned him to tell him to stop harassing me and I'm happy to leave it at that!

13th April 2012, 09:57 PM
The Question is CAN HE PROVE IT WAS YOU,i would think not.
Just say sorry mate but i think you have the wrong bloke,say nothing about the receipt keep that for a later date.
As for revenge im not for from thorpdale LOL.
Hope it works out for you mate

13th April 2012, 09:59 PM
Here is what happened today...

He called me at about 4pm and said that he has already spoken to his insurance mob and all I need is his name, address, and rego number. I happily took those details off him. I didn't tell him yesterday that I had an alibi that I was in Traralgon at the time. I asked him to confirm what time the accident was, and sure enough my alibi saved me. Told him that and he got a bit annoyed and sort of implied that I was lying to get out of paying. Told him I didn't appreciate his tone, and that I have evidence that it could not have been me. We hung up and 10 minutes later he is calling me. I could not believe what he told me.

"I spoke to a couple of people and they actually told me that the accident was on Tuesday and not Thursday."

This actually got me really mad. Not a fan of liars and he was really clutching to whatever he could. Told him where he could stick it and hung up. He tried calling a few times again but I ignored the calls. Went to the police after work and explained the situation, copper almost pissed his pants when I said that he forgot what day it was. So now they have all his details, phoned him to tell him to stop harassing me and I'm happy to leave it at that!Unreal what a tool,is he a local?

Finly Owner
13th April 2012, 10:08 PM
Keep a written record of all events. Did you get the cops' name/business card? put it with the paper work. This bloke and his insurance company could strike again within 3 years.

Keep your cars and keys secured, ashe may be scamming you for knowledge of your habits while posing as a victim of your actions.


13th April 2012, 10:09 PM
He is from Yallourn North. I found his facebook account.

"Post your car speed records here!

My records:

Backwards: 100km/h.
Sideways: 120km/h.
Forwards: 195km/h."

That was posted on the 4th. 'sif you'd post that sort of shit the day after you crashed you car.

13th April 2012, 10:19 PM
With no damage to your car it’s just his word against yours even if he wants to take it further in court Surely they wouldn’t make your insurance pay.
He’s got nothing and must be a dole bludger to not know what day of the week it is tell him to get a job and fix his own car and learn to drive ...... what a tool

13th April 2012, 10:40 PM
He is from Yallourn North. I found his facebook account.

"Post your car speed records here!

My records:

Backwards: 100km/h.
Sideways: 120km/h.
Forwards: 195km/h."

That was posted on the 4th. 'sif you'd post that sort of shit the day after you crashed you car.

hahahaha, he is a d!ckhead for posting something like that on FB the day after

13th April 2012, 10:50 PM
make sure u get screen shots of his fb page getting all that info also! that alone would be great to have if it all starts going pearshaped

13th April 2012, 10:52 PM
make sure u get screen shots of his fb page getting all that info also! that alone would be great to have if it all starts going pearshaped

x2 screen capture that info, just in case he removes it

14th April 2012, 04:08 AM
It takes all sorts LOL

14th April 2012, 08:21 AM
Everything is documented, he's got nothing.

14th April 2012, 10:34 AM
Mate great to read you kept your cool and certainly have your act togeather.
One of the scandal based evening TV shows would love this LOL
Go onya , Macca

14th April 2012, 12:35 PM
Sounds like you've handled this well mate.

This stuff is going on heaps. I have received several "phishing" phone calls recently and was quite disturbed about the amount of information they already had.

BEWARE of people cold calling you. The fact that they have a bunch of facts about you does not make them legit.

14th April 2012, 06:35 PM
At least I've learned not to give people my phone number now. That's all I can really take from it.

14th April 2012, 08:33 PM
Well done Bro.
Cant believe the nerve of some people.