View Full Version : Heat exchanger for shower installation question

22nd September 2010, 08:28 PM
Hi I have installed a heat exchanger in my engine of my 4.8L GU patrol. Took many hours woorking out the location and forming the mounting brackets. I am ready to cut into the one of the heater pipes. I need to ensure that the flow of engine coolant into heat exchanger is opposite to the water flow for the shower. There are two pipes into the flywall for the heater (in and out) one is above/below the other. Manual does not state which way the heater coolant flows in either of the two pipe, so my only way to determine this is to disconnect one of the pipes and turn over the engine for a few seconds. Will this have the potential to cause any damage?

DX grunt
22nd September 2010, 09:02 PM
Hey Sandy

Welcome to the Forum.

Not sure how to help you, but I'm sure somebody has the knowledge to help, shortly . What state in OZ are you from?

Zip over to introductions and tell us a bit about yourself. Pics help too. lololol

DX grunt

22nd September 2010, 11:22 PM
If you only run the engine for a few seconds, it wont do any damage. After you've done it, make sure you bleed the cooling system properly before you drive the car again.
Bleed it by removing the radiator cap and letting the engine idle until the thermostat opens (when the coolant starts moving and the air the fan is pulling through the radiator suddenly gets warmer).


5th November 2010, 08:33 AM
I just flushed the cooling system. is the way you described bleeding the way to go for me also Tony?

5th November 2010, 12:03 PM
Yes it is.


5th November 2010, 05:03 PM
Thanks mate. What a time i had getting to the drain plugs on the engine. i had to climb in at the end. so much for a nice simple job

5th November 2010, 06:16 PM
I left the cap off and fired up the beast. a bit of the coolant blew out and then it settled down. the heater never got warm until i put the cap back on and the system became presurised. does it sound like im good to go?

5th November 2010, 06:57 PM
As long as the engine got warm enough for the thermostat to open and coolant to circulate through the engine for a few minutes, you should be OK. Recheck the coolant level in a few days.
Good to see you went to the trouble of removing the engine drain plugs, most people (including some dealer mechanics) only drain the radiator.


8th November 2010, 02:02 PM
I'm positive the top pipe is the inlet. It should be the same across the range. While I've never worried about draining the engine I do top her up after a couple of days driving around. Mines a 4.2 though!

Some installs here
