- have any Aussies been 4wding overseas?
- Nissan patrols in india!
- Borneo Equator Expedition
- White Wolves meating Santa Claus in Romania
- "Mixed grill" with the White Wolves
- The japs and the gentleman ...
- "Transalpina" road - Romania
- Toyota vs. Nissan - offroad in Romania / Rm.Valcea
- Two years ago
- The promised trip :)
- Patrolistique - offroad in Romania / Ramnicu Valcea
- 4X4 & Recovery in Papua New Guinea
- Needed HELP in Sudan - Africa
- Morocco 2010/2011
- Vorkuta expedition
- Off on my cruise
- Expedition Romania Europe 2012
- Death Valley and Mojave Desert in an 80 series
- Saturday arvo enjoying a GU in Brazil backroads