- How to make your own 4" stainless steel snorkel
- What's this section about
- Need Help (precleaner for Genuine Nissan Snorkel)
- snorkel fitting
- Airtec on you Patrol?
- Tigerz
- Custom Snorkel setups
- Gq safari snorkel 2.8 in a TB42E
- What sort?
- sealant for a snorkel
- Fitting a snorkel
- Snorkels for TB48
- Anyone in melb buying a snorkel soon
- Snorkel head angle
- Snorkel on a GQ2.8t with duel batt
- Fitting a Safari snorkel to a 2007 3ltr CR Patrol
- DIY PVC Snorkel
- Custom 4" stano snorkel
- Snorkel - TB42E with LPG
- 3 Inch Stainless on a Mav
- Rd28 air box
- LPG with Snorkel
- Stainless steel fittings
- Snorkel Template
- Ram Head vs Rearward Facing Open
- Safari snorkel ss15hf on 1998 GU 2.8 Turbo Diesel ??
- DIY Ironman Snorkel
- Air box mods
- snorkle template needed
- Snorkel Differnece?
- Removing snorkel
- Y no snorkel...?
- Snorkel Genuin Nissan Vs Safari
- DIY -Ryco A360 flat panel airbox with 4" in/out
- Tb42 carbie snorkel with dual battery
- Silicone
- Check Your Snorkel.
- Keep pre air cleaner/ Don't keep? Overall snorkel set up and considerations.
- Install/Upgrade to 4" Snorkel (recessed) and new Pod Air Box
- GU 05/04 model NISSAN genuine snorkel
- Gen S4 Snorkel to an S3
- GQ Steel bar behind quater pannel in the way of Snorkel
- Show Us Your Snorkel
- Rb30 turbo