Quote Originally Posted by Plasnart View Post
Just to be clear I'm freaking loving the 62, it just has idiosyncracies that irk me (can I say just like the partner?....sshhhhh!!). I'll come around I'm sure.
But if you ask me what shits me about the GU2 TD42T? Ummm...........hang on...........wait a sec..........thinking here........ahhh.........nup. Sorry I got nothing. Oh yeah, head wobbles. Thats probably it! It doesn't have an annoying cruise control coz it doesn't have one, and it has a tape deck! Now that is special! But it's time to move on.
Haha mate you have the ultimate of the ultimate.
It's solar systems ahead of the troglodyte GU.
You mentioned exhaust fitted. Let the lion roar and have heaps of panties thrown at ya !

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