It's a 2008 3.0 with CRD

Been thinking about taking out the fuel injectors and then having them taken to a shop to get them serviced.

I am allways on a budget.

I am searching on them internets on my own, but I thought I'd cast here too, there's allways some gems I pick up here along the way.

So the question is:

Can I replace the diesel injector nozzles on my own? Without any specialised tools?

And then, I gues this is related to the above paragraph, the manual says that whenever the high pressure fuel line gets undone from the top of the injector, it should be replaced with a new piece. But that kinda seems far fedged, no? I mean it's a steel fitting no? I am thinking there is likely just a little o-ring sitting inside that needs to be replaced, but surely not the whole pipe...?