Technology well and good, but we can't escape the simple fact that we live on a planet with finite resources.
There have been many fictional stories (books, movies etc) that focus on what would happen when we reach limits on one or more of these resources, be it fuel, water or some other commodity.
It's simple maths that you have to divide the resource by the population. We can't iincrease the resource so the only option is to limit the population. Human society has a neat trick to control population. When resources are abundant and leisure becomes part of life, we inherently reduce the number of offspring to sustain the population without too much growth so that we can enjoy our leisure time. When resources become scarce and survival is the focus we increase the number of offspring to try and sustain the population.
This is why it is important that resources must be distributed amongst the population to a level that the poorest at least get to a point where they will reduce their growth.

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