Ok so I think I have narrowed it down to two, possibly a third option.
1. TJM, proven company, looks good and plenty of good reviews. What price do these go for in Melbourne?
2. Powerful 4x4, imo it looks the best, can get one for $1000, and as a bonus comes with the fog lights (not that it's swayed me at all, just a bonus), unsure on the quality and have read some good and not so good reviews.
3. Ironman, seems to be pretty good value for money at $1150, but depends of cost of the TJM and a little more research on the powerful 4x4.

There is no way I can justify the $1900 odd for ARB and getting a second hand one is pretty difficult out here so getting it re sprayed or trying to buy pieces that are missing would just be a nightmare. Ah well that's just how it is when you live four hours out of Alice Springs.