Just got myself a nice new (to me it is) 2013 Y61, it's all pretty great, but the suspension is complete rubbish.

I'm not sure whether to go for a 2" or 3" lift.

I've waited decades to get myself a 'real' 4WD and am keen to give it some reasonable lift. I don't wan't or need massive amounts of lift, it's going to be a tourer & daily driver, but I do want some height.

I know the baseline lift is 2", so I'm not expecting to get overly excited about that. I'm thinking a 3" lift. My biggest concern is, will a 3" lift make it difficult to get in and out of?

If you have any pics of your Y61 with 2" or 3" lifts, please show me as it'll be a massive help.

Thanks for your help.