Quote Originally Posted by the evil twin View Post
Yep, sure will.

There are a few different options depending on how an individual setup is wired and what solar regs, DC/DC devices are in use etc. but simplest way is just hook the sucker up in parallel.

Keep the lead as short as is convenient say 3 to 4 metres max and use reasonable gauge cable say 12 to 10 gauge and you won't have much voltage drop at all over the extra distance to the vehicle aux.
Great... My camper has the bcdc in there for the two batteries...
One more for you. The panels I borrowed from lucas30. His have the reg on the back. Say if I wanted to add his panels to my 180w setup for the extra help. Can I just clip his panels onto one of the batteries on my camper? Even though they are connected to my bcdc? If I can would it matter which battery?
Just trying to cover my bases here if need be.