Hi guys. Happy new year from Jamie.

I have a feeling that my CRD is overfuelling. Is there any way to adjust fuelling / air rations, other than a chip ??

I believe my boost is just right, so I don't know how adjusting boost will help. I'm about to do the NADS< but other than a faster spool up with the needle valve, i don't know how a dawes valve would help me? But please smebody correct me.
My reasoning behind this is the following.
@ 100km/h my EGR sits on 400 - 450C boost hovering around 10-12, I believe this is the way it should be boost , btu albeit that its still EGT too high? This is on 33" all terrains, not towing no NADS and no EGR blocked with an ambient temperature of around 26-28. I believe this is a bit too high in terms of EGR after my brief research on these forums.

Around town it's 200-350 etc... A bit more if I give it to it.
Also, the cat of my beautidert exhaust begins rattling once it's heated up, for example after a brief run on the ring road at 100km/h. I'm told this could be due to too much unburnt fuel accumulating in the cat and it burning off in there instead of in the chambers?
Wil the NADS helpe me if it is overfuelling or, is this another sinister problem?
If so, how could it be controlled?

Thanks. Jamie.