Not to derail Cuppas camper thread i thought id start a new one..

Now to continue, the wife once joked about packing up and just going.. Hit the road, travelling for work and enjoying what this country has to offer. But also scoping this island for a possible nesting place..

Well im getting pretty serious about it. Our 2 girls are 2 years and 5 months so a while off of school yet. We have 2 cars, so selling both and buying 1 good patrol is the way to go.
Work for me is not an issue, i have a cert 2 in agriculture, boilermaker trade, riggers, ewp, confined space entry, construction, fork lift...... etc... So i think we'll be safe..

Our big one is the house we own.. At a guess maybe $30,000 equity in it.. I recon sell as we have a safety net in my parents. i was 1 of 4 kids who have all moved out of the family home so its big and empty.. But it would be nice to hold onto it and rent.. Its alot of overhead costs though..
(Feel free to throw up some thoughts)

Im basically doing this thread asking how was your working holidays. was it stressful? easy? hard? WORTH IT?

i think atm were throwing around hitting the east coast.. I like this idea as there is allot of work going on threw out. and allot of cool places to see and do..

so yea, share stories, thoughts, how you did it..