cant do that different state supplyer

\so how is this ferret
1st rd28 -crank machined incorrectly- new one on way
2nd rd28 -oil leaks ,filling turbo on both sides of compressor with oil,intakes and intercooler with oil, check oil presure 54 psi @ idle and 84 psi @ 3000rpm specs are 46psi @ idle and 61psi @idle, now the ggod part i got the boys to do comp test and
specs are 3040kpa per cyl and actual 1500 kpa hmmmmmm
carry out cyl leakage test 30% leakage on all cyl ????? WTF new motor only 300 klm hmmmm
removed rad cap , no bubbles,
no air via intake ,
now this motor on cold start was running very bad till it warmed up hmmmmm puked oil into intake filling cyls so on start up it was "knocking so to speak" untill excess oil was burned of!!!!
stay tuned lol
and no air out exhaust so that meens past rings doh !!! any way reconditioner cant work out why so he is sending 2 new donk's