Hi there. I've asked for assistance previously. Trying again. I can't figure out why I don't qualify to download any manuals. Been onboard since Decemner. I still get the following (thanks):

Mugder, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Unfortunately the forum has received thousands of people downloading the manuals which slows the forum down. We have had to make a restriction to keep the forum running. You can now only download the manuals after you have made 1 post or more. Please do not put up posts of rubbish otherwise someone will ban you from the forum. Simply introduce yourself to the forum in the introductions section, post up your Patrol in the members rides section, welcome some other new members and just join in the conversations with our friendly community. You never know, you might like the friendly environment we have here. If you have already made posts but still can't download the manuals then you are either not logged in or have not confirmed your email address when you signed up. Please make sure you are signed in and that you confirmed the email that was sent to you when you signed up.