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Flatened it to pass, did so ok [only around 100ks/hr ] but just as i was pulling back in the engine lost power, then died completely.
sat there for half a minute then tried to restart. It turned over unusually sluggishly at first then freed up. wow???
opened the bonet not overly hot, temp gauge half way. Plenty of oil on the dipstick. ??
Tried starting again, turns over normally but wont fire. Fuel tank half full, pumped the primer, half a stroke then rock hard. ?? hm.?
Any ideas please
Might need to do some trouble shooting and report back mate. Check NATS, fuel filter and make sure you still have plenty of coolant(difficulty turning over could be coolant in the cylinder?)
Too many electronic bits on those for me to offer any better advice. Others have had their 3.0s die permanently in similar unexpected curcumstances..