
Type: Posts; User: sarngon

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  1. Replies

    PeeBee do you know which turbo did he use? It is...

    PeeBee do you know which turbo did he use? It is not written there.
  2. Replies

    The car is 382.000 km but the motor is okey....

    The car is 382.000 km but the motor is okey. thank you by the way :D
  3. Replies

    How much psi can RD28T can handle

    Hi guys, I have w260 1993 2.8TD original engine and original turbo. I want to connect a intercooler to the original turbo and after that I will hybrid my turbo by changing spinnings. But how much psi...
  4. Replies

    Help pls decode VIN

    Hi guys can you decode my VIN? I couldnt find it.
  5. patrol III y260 1991 breaking sensor where to connect?

    Hi But my question is at my breaking main system. I have a patrol III y260 1991 year and at my Westinghouse there is a sensor but it is not connected to anywhere. So at dashboard warning light is...
  6. 1993 Patrol y260 wagon when 4x4 is activated turning problem

    Hi guys, I have a 1993 Patrol III y260 wagon type and when I active 4x4 H, car struggle to turn right or left and make clinking noise like stripping something. I read some articles and someone sait...
  7. White/Blue smoke on morning/Idling problem and wet glow plugs

    Hello, I have a new car. 1993 Nissan Patrol 2.8Td 381.000 km. My problem is at first start morning the car start easily but White/Blue smoke on morning/Idling problem happens for 5 mins. After 5...
  8. Thank you for your help :)) nice to meet you

    Thank you for your help :)) nice to meet you
  9. I need to know which one because I need manual of...

    I need to know which one because I need manual of it :) To fix something by myself.
  10. My win code is VSKWYG260U0523986 can you decode?...

    My win code is VSKWYG260U0523986 can you decode? Because i couldn't.
  11. Thank you for kind answer. I am sending my car...

    Thank you for kind answer. I am sending my car pics. I am lining in Turkey. 79864
  12. New car help about VIN number and Manuals. (1991 Y260 2.8TD Nissan Patrol)

    Hi, everyone I need your help. I am new among you and I have a new Nissan Patrol 260 2.8TD. I can't decode VIN number of car and also I need manuals, or other DIY workshop documents. Can you help me?
Results 1 to 12 of 12