Conversation Between kemsafe@bigpond.com and Bob

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah I love Fishing in the High Country and you are right they are just Pan Size (Small Pan) but they taste great fresh.

    Most of my Fishing is on the King , Howqua and Jamieson Rivers.

    Hopefully we will meet up one day.
  2. Hi Bob
    I live in the latrobe valley so not far from the high country.
    See you like fishing
    Try fishing clongomerate creek which is on Mt Wellington. It is only a small creek you can step over it in many places
    Trout here bairly make size but taste fantastic, only problem is they can see you coming so are very hard to catch
  3. Yeah there are some great Camping Spots in the High Country which over the years have visited many times and never get sick of it.
    Wherabouts are you located
  4. Hi Bob
    Great pics of the buckland river
    You can go from here up to the cobbler lake whic is a great camping spot
    Views of the water coming over the cliff just below the lake are also spectacular
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4