Conversation Between nz quadfather and zaid-m

4 Visitor Messages

  1. I know the Malet - The Burger is Awesome - It has reputation on our site, we often use that establishment for "extended" summer lunch breaks
    Not quite in the Millitary - I'm an MoD Civil Servant at a local MoD Establishment ......
  2. That's all good mate. I used to live in Idmiston and work at The Malet at Newton Tony so yeah, I know East Gommeldon. Small world! I've only been in the UK for about a year in the past decade and about 6 years in total so my memory is a bit hazey. I'm assuming you're military? RAF or Army?
  3. Hi Jimbo,
    Accept my apologies to the long time to reply, I've been overseas for a while - playing with the Dutch air force, and busy at work
    I live in a small village called East Gommledon, not that far from Porton.
    I know Shrewton quite well I've been through it a couple of times, I do a lot of photography down at Deptford Down airstrip - which is between Shrewton and Chitten.
    You must know Salisbury Plain quite well then?

  4. Hi mate,
    I see you're from Salisbury. Whereabouts exactly? I live in NZ nowadays but my folks still live in Shrewton and I've got a couple of mates who still go 4 wheeling out on the plain. Nice looking truck btw.

    Cheers, Jimbo
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