Conversation Between iansmqshotyy and Finly Owner

13 Visitor Messages

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  1. that will work, there are still plenty of goodies will be left
  2. no worries at all (: i still have sooooo much to do, that and some old bat wiped the driver front 1/4 of my au a couple of days ago.... i m fixing that instead of my shorty ):
  3. I'd take rolling shell from you with whats left and take tank etcout myself, so I can see how I should put it in. I can supply some wheels if needed.
  4. As we are both not in urgency, I have time to chck out my options with my wheels.
  5. cool , i need to do something tyre wise all mine are a bit average, and old to boot( bfg 's and kellys dont age well) just let me know and we'll sort something (:
  6. Yeah I have two options, I jus need to work out which way I am going with wheels on Finly then I have some to offer you as swap maybe.
  7. either or ive got 15's and 16's but if they come with rims im not worried , have you got something in mind?
  8. are you still chasing some bigger wheels? are you afer the tyres, or,rims and tyres?
  9. not sure what itd be worth , i advertised the tank for 350 and the bbar for 250, but just make me an offer, id hate to waste`any of it
    itll be a little while before im done with it , but i can pull bits for you asap(:
  10. ok so how much do you want?
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