View Full Version : Does anyone know what I Y T is for in Anchors and recovery points

5th April 2012, 06:43 PM
I Y T is very important as you can have the whole thing fail if you have the anchors or recovery points wrong. I stands for ideal it is a straight line anchor or recovery point say for example in line with your 4x4 cassis as it’s your strongest point. Y stands for YES it works well not as good as I but as the Y is you have two anchor or recovery points no greater than 90 degrees on each. T stands for terrible it exceeds the 180 degree line and will double your load should never be used. Any thoughts on this?

the evil twin
5th April 2012, 07:16 PM
Uuummm I know what you are trying to say and agree with the "Y" and "T" summation but there is a significant difference between "I" and "Y"... "I" will deliver 100% of the load to the attachement point but "Y" at a good sling angle will split the load 50% to each attachement point... ergo "Y" is actually better than "I" in most cases and is the reason equalisers, bridles or slings are much more preferable all things being equal


8th April 2012, 01:55 AM
Please explain your equalizers, bridles or slings are much more preferable all things being equal. As being a rescue operator things are done to make sure there are no IF and WHAT’S

8th April 2012, 02:19 AM
I do not mean to be backward, I do understand what you have posted before, but I cannot stress how important it is to fully explain your advantages in say a 3 to 1. A lot of people just don’t understand, I do not know how to post diagrams to explain this but I was hopping you could. Just remember there are a lot more than just your basic 3 to 1, these things need to be illustrated so people can fully understand how they work.

8th April 2012, 10:07 AM
so what are you saying that hooking up the snatch strap to my electric Aeriel is not a good idea.

9th April 2012, 08:34 AM
well if it works then do it